Chapter 28

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I struggled against the chains once again. I immediately stopped once again once I saw the door open. I waited for the man I no longer want to call someone I know to walk in. I was surprised when I saw a man dressed in black clothing. He had an evil smile on his face as he walked toward me. I cried out in fear when he stood in front of me. The man got closer to my face, but a scared look crossed his face when he looked behind me. His eyes grew wide and he stepped back. I turned around to see another man dressed in white. He walked to me and unchained me from the wall. I fell on my knees with tears falling down my face.

I looked up to see the man dressed in white was offering a hand to help me up. I saw a hole in the palm of the hand. I cried out when I realized who this man was that saved me. I took His hand and stood up. He pulled me into a hug and held me. "My child," He began to speak, "no more chains are holding you down. You are now free. No more guilt. No more what ifs. No more worry. No more pain. Everything will be okay. I have everything planned for you. Stand your ground and fight back."

"Thank you so much," I whispered through tears.

"You don't have to thank me. I just want you to remember that nothing is your fault. Nothing will ever be your fault. All things happen and are happening for a reason," He said with a beautiful smile.

"Please don't leave me," I cried out as He stepped away to leave.

"I will never leave you. I'm always right here and here," He said pointing to my heart and my head, "Sometimes you may feel like I've turned my back on you, but I will never turn my back or leave you. Ever." He kissed my forehead before everything faded to black.

I woke up shaking and sweating. It was dark where I was at. I looked over to where I heard snoring coming from to see Jay asleep in a chair holding my hand. I smiled and laid back down and fell back asleep.
I groaned at the sound of the familiar beeping. I groaned again at the realization of where I was actually at. "Pooch? Can you hear me?" I heard Jay ask me. I groaned in reply causing him to chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes. How are you feeling? Well that was a stupid question."

"Jay, I'm okay. I'm not dead yet," I said with a chuckle as I opened my eyes up, "I'm so happy to see you."

"Me too," he said with a half smile. He looks so happy but his eyes are telling me a different story.

"What's wrong?" I asked after seeing the hesitation on his face.

"Captain came in an hour ago to talk to me. The orders I had a while back to be sent overseas has been moved to next week. He wants me to be a part of the team that gets Alex. Alex said that after you escaped, Corbin had them to move to Afghanistan again to keep them from being found out," Jay explained with a solemn look, "If I go, I may miss this." He put his hand on my stomach. I smiled at him and put my hand on top of his.

"Jay, look up at me," I said as he snapped his head up, "I'm pretty sure we're going to have more kids. I know you want to experience it, but this is a man's life on the line. He needs you. I'll have Aidan, Jack, my mom, your mom, and even Marilyn to help me through all of this. Alex only has you and the rest of this team to depend on. You know him better than any of those guys. You can help bring him home quicker," I explained as I watched his eyes. "Everything will be okay. All things happen for a reason."

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too. Now, go get my family. They probably think I'm in labor by now," I said with a giggle.

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