Chapter 5 {EDITED}

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    A couple of weeks passed. After the window incident, mom talked to my captain again which didn't go too well. Let's just say, all the windows have been bulletproofed. "Cameron, change into something nice. The guests will be here in an hour for the party!" mom shouted from the kitchen.
    "Yes, ma'am!" I shouted back. I ran upstairs and dug through my clothes for something nice. I found a red polo and khakis. That would suffice. I quickly changed then pulled my hair back in a neat bun. I tied my combat boots then ran back downstairs to help mom in the kitchen.
    "Get to slicing the fruit while I go do something," mom mumbled. I smirked at her.
    "Does it have to do with my presents?" Mom shot a glare at me before leaving the kitchen.
    "I've been getting that joke from your brothers all morning. You all are not going to open a present early this year!" she yelled the last part. I snickered at her rant before getting to slicing the fruit.
It felt like I was slicing fruit for hours. Once I finished cutting the apple mom wanted, she had me to cut more until there wasn't any fruit left to slice. By the time I finished with the fruit, the living room was alive with people chatting with each other. I carried my bowl of fruit to the table mom had out for snacks and refreshments.
    "Cameron!" an annoying voice yelled. I was engulfed in a hug by no other than Lacy Parker. The brat that was making fun of me that day at the mall. Oh joy. Trying to act nice in front of my parents again.
    "Lacy. Hi," I said in an annoyed tone. I looked around the room and made eye contact with Aidan. I gave him a 'please help me' look.
    "Hey, Cameron. I think mom wants you to go help sort presents," Aidan said as he walked up toward us. Lacy turned to be face to face with him and started talking about nonsense. I mouthed "thank you" then ran off to help mom.
    "Time to open presents!" mom yelled. All of the little kids ran to the Christmas tree and sat down in their spot next to their pile of presents. Jack, Aidan, and I stood out of the way while the kids furiously opened their presents.
    "You were always like that," Aidan said, pointing to my little cousin, Rey, that was trying to neatly open the present then just gave up and ripped it to shreds. I laughed at the scene. Once all the presents were opened, mom cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.
    "Every year, the Thompson's have a tradition. That tradition is that we pick one person in the room to go on a scavenger hunt for their gift. This year, I think it would be right in saying that Cameron gets a turn," my mom said as she looked at me with a smile. I walked up to her with a smile and took the first clue from her hands. I read the clue and laughed.
Is it me or is it hot in here?
    "Really?" I asked with boredom. I walked over to the fireplace and picked up the second clue.
Sniff sniff. Something stinks. Oh that's it! Aidan ate baked beans.
    "Oh, mom! Can't I skip THAT one?" I asked disgusted. Mom just laughed and motioned her hand for me to keep going. What felt like fifty clues later, I was finally on my last one.
Turn around and opened the gift on the table to find your last and final clue.
    I grabbed the gift and opened it to reveal a rawhide bone for a dog and a chew toy. I looked at mom confused. She pointed at the bone. I looked down at it again. Taped to it was another note.
If you're still staring at me confused, turn around and brace yourself.
    I turned around to see Jay holding Apache on a leash with one hand, and he was leaning on a cane with the other. I broke down with tears of joy as he released Apache's leash. Apache ran up to me and knocked me down with kisses. His side was wrapped up in bandages signaling that he had been injured. I hugged him tightly and dried my eyes before standing up to hug Jay.
    "I see how it is, Pooch. The dog gets more attention than I do," he said in mock hurt.
    "You're the one that let his leash go." Jay smiled then pulled me in for another hug.
    "Jack and Aidan tell me you have been getting a lot of company lately," Jay whispered in my ear.
    "Hey, Jay, let me show you something that's in my room," I said as I pulled him towards my room. I motioned for Apache to follow. I looked over at Aidan to see him smirking. I shook my head and continued to pull Jay up the stairs toward my room. I pushed Jay into my room then turned and locked the door.
    "What all has happened?" he asked in all seriousness.
    "They threw a brick at my window a few weeks ago. There was a note attached to it that basically told me to give them the information they want or they start killing people," I said with my hands clenching into fists.
    "They really said all of that?" he asked.
    "Not entirely," I trailed off. He gave me a questioned look. I walked over to my desk and grabbed the brick and note. I handed it to him and let him read it. I saw his hands start to shake with anger.
    "What information do they want?" he asked in a raised voice. He was furious.
    "Information on the last prisoner we took in," I said as I sat on my bed.
    "The mission you were--"
    "Yeah. That one," I said, cutting him off. I didn't need anyone overhearing him. Apache padded over to me and laid his head on my lap. I stroked his head softly. "I still can't believe you two are here. How are you both even here?" Jay is supposed to still be fighting whereas Apache is supposed to be in re-training. 
    "After the video chat, I kinda got myself shot in the knee. That's why I have this stupid cane. Let me tell you, it's a pain in the a-" Jay started
    "You were shot!" I exclaimed in shock. Jay chuckled at me and nodded.
    "Don't look shocked. Apache was shot too. You were shot a month ago," he said, pointing his finger at me.
    "Yeah, but I was shot out of stupidity," I whispered.
    "What you did wasn't out of stupidity. Cameron, you had no idea that guy was there," Jay said as he put his hand on my shoulder.
    "I could have checked my surroundings before I rushed in to get the prisoner. It was my fault I was shot and the other thing before that," I said with tears building up.
    "Cameron, there is no way you could have known he was there even if you checked your surroundings. You had more guts than me to go in there and do what you did." Tears fell freely from my eyes down my face. Jay pulled me into his embrace. Apache growled at Jay's sudden movement causing both Jay and I to laugh.
    "Are you protective much?" I asked Apache. He tilted his head to the side with his tail flopping against the floor. I turned my attention back to Jay. "We better head back downstairs before Aidan thinks the worst--again," I said with a laugh. He cracked a smile at my remark then followed me out of my room. Apache walked in the middle of the two of us. Jay stopped in his tracks and started laughing.
    "What?" I asked in confusion.
    "There's a picture of you dressed like a princess," he said between his laughs.
    "Oh shut up. I went through a girly girl phase," I whined, causing Jay to laugh harder.
    "Pooch was actually girly before?" he asked in shock. I punched him in the arm then ran down the stairs with him following me in a chase. I weaved in between people talking to each other and kids running around the house. Jay caught up to me and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him and carried me off toward the living room. He was limping slightly since he lost his cane during the chase. I was laughing so hard that it caused him to start laughing. "Now, say you're sorry," he said in a joking tone.
    "Never!" I yelled at the top of my lungs which earned some dirty looks from people around us.
    "Fine," he said as he started tickling me. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."
    "Hey, Lovebirds! There shall be none of that play in front of innocent children's eyes," Aidan joked.
    "You're right. Aidan, turn around," I said with a smirk. Aidan's jaw dropped as Jay started to tickle me again. My laughter was interrupted by Apache growling loudly. "Everybody quiet!" I yelled. Apache scratched the front door signaling something I feared. "Jay, I think he senses something. He's wanting outside to find it." Jay nodded in reply.
    "Here. Take my pistol and check it out. I'll keep everyone calm." I nodded and opened the door. Apache ran outside and sniffed around. He growled at a bush that was near the road.
    "Show yourself!" I commanded. Apache growled louder. "I said to show yourself!" I repeated with the pistol pointed at the bush. The bush started to shake and move. A man stood up from behind it with a smug look.
    "Feisty, aren't we, Cameron?" he asked in amusement.
    "What are you doing here?" I asked with fear creeping into my voice.
    "Call off the dog and we'll talk," he said, the smug look still on his face. I looked at Apache and gave him a signal that meant for him to retrieve. In this situation, he knew exactly what I meant and ran off toward the house. "Lower your weapon slowly," the man in front of me commanded. I did as he said and put the pistol on the ground.
    "What do you want?" I asked. The man stayed silent and only looked at me with his smug look still present. A cricket chirp cut the silence. Only, it wasn't a cricket. It was Jay telling me that he has me covered. I looked down at my shoes then back up to the man's face to signal Jay that I heard him. The man's smug smile grew as he started to move toward me. He grabbed my chin with his hand and squeezed.
    "It's so sad you don't remember me. Don't you remember my promise?" he asked as my eyes widened. "Here. This may help your memory." I then felt pain just below my rib cage to which I looked down to see a knife sticking out of me. I watched as he ran off with a furious Apache chasing him. I slumped to the ground with my hand on the wound, blood seeping through my fingers. I watched as three pair of feet approached me and hands reach for me before everything faded to black.

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