Chapter 27

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A/N: I know the song sounds dark at the beginning, but I promise it's really good. 😉

I struggled against the chains once again. It's becoming a routine now. Wake up, try to find a way to get out of here, get a beating, go to sleep chained up, repeat. Every single day. I stopped struggling when I heard footsteps nearing the door. The door opened to reveal a guard with my breakfast. It was the nice guard. He had a headdress on so I couldn't see his face. "Thank you," I mumbled. The guard walked over closer to me and unchained me from the chains. I looked at him confused. He took the headdress off his head to reveal Alex Johnson. "Alex?" I asked in disbelief.

"Surprise," he said with a smile.

"I thought you were dead. They told me you died," I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"It was a setup so I could get in here. I've been reporting back every plan they've had to get you. They kept the one with Corbin and this one a secret. Sorry," he said with an apologetic look.

"No. Don't worry about it. I'm just happy to see you're not dead," I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Now, Pooch, why would I do that? I still have to take Apache on a run," he said jokingly. I chuckled and pulled him in for a hug. "I see you and Jay are finally married."

"How'd you know it was Jay?"

"How wouldn't I know it was Jay? He wouldn't stop talking about you after you were discharged," he said with a chuckle. A blush crept its way onto my cheeks. "Anyways, we have to get this plan into motion. I'm here to help you escape. I won't be going with you, but I need you to listen to all of my directions. If you don't, either your life or their life are on the line," he said as he place a hand on my stomach. I nodded and listened to everything he said. "As soon as you're out of here, get as far away as you can. Jay doesn't know that you're escaping today. Only the Captain does. Okay? Now, Corbin is going to come back in here and interrogate you again. After that, I'll be back in here to help you."

"Alex, I can't do this. I can't go through that again," I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. Alex grabbed me by the shoulders and held me.

"Look at me. Are you really going to throw the towel in and give up? You're just going to roll on your back and show your neck? No. You're not. You're going to stand your ground and fight back. If you can't fight back for yourself, fight for your family, Jay, or even this little recruit. You are a strong woman, Cameron. Don't you ever give up. Okay?" he said as he pulled me in for a hug. I nodded and let him chain me back up after letting me eat.

Shortly after he left, Corbin came in. "Well, aren't you looking lovely today," he said in a teasing tone, "Are you going to talk today?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't get that. I don't speak idiot," I smarted off which earned a slap to the cheek in reply.

"I've had enough with your smart mouth. I've had to deal with it when we dated. No more. You will tell me everything I need to know," he said in a low voice.

"Was that supposed to intimidate me?" I smarted off again. Corbin's face turned red in anger. He aimed a punch for my stomach, but I stopped him with a kick to the place where the sun doesn't shine. "You listen to me for a minute. You can hit and beat on me all you want, but the minute you try to hurt my family, I will kill you slowly." Corbin stood up straight and looked at me evilly.

"Looks like Mrs. Payne here needs to learn how to hold her tongue," he laughed as he walked over to a table. I looked around at the room full of men and saw that Alex was in here. He watched with fear in his eyes as Corbin walked back over to me with a pistol. He smiled evilly and shot me in the thigh. I screamed and thrashed around in pain. "Now, I will be back in here tomorrow morning. If you don't answer me then, you're dead. Am I clear?" I nodded as tears fell down my face. "Good. Guard, take her off the chains," he said to Alex. Alex nodded and helped me down. Corbin and the rest of the guards left leaving the two of us alone.

"Are you okay?" he asked me when they left.

"Yeah. I will be," I replied with a wince. Alex laid me down on the cot.

"I'm going to have to get the bullet out. I want you to put this cloth between your teeth to keep you from screaming," he instructed me. I nodded as I clenched my teeth down on the cloth. I screamed and cried as he dug into my thigh to get the bullet. He pulled it out and threw it across the room. He then tied another cloth around my leg to serve as a bandage. He helped me up and we started with our plan of escape.
We were at the window where I would crawl out to my freedom. I turned to Alex and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much," I whispered in his ear. He hugged me back.

"Don't mention it. Now remember, once you're out there, keep moving. Don't stop. Understand?" Alex whispered in my ear. I nodded. "Good. It's time for you to go now. I'll see you soon. I'm expecting to see my little niece or nephew soon," Alex said with a chuckle.

"Who said you were going to be the uncle?" I teased.

"I'm basically Jay's long lost brother?" he teased back before pushing me toward the window. "Don't give him too much trouble."

"I won't," I said with a smile before pulling myself out of the window. I limped quickly into the woods and kept going just like Alex said. After about two hours of limping, I collapsed on the forest floor. I looked down to see that I was bleeding through the bandage. I tried to low crawl, but due to my big belly, I was unable to do that. I laid on the ground on my back and hoped someone would find me. I closed my eyes and rested. My eyes shot open when I heard a baby voice calling out my name.

"Cammie?" I looked up and saw Amelia running to me. She had tears running down her face when she saw that it really was me. I laid my head back down in pain and groaned. "Cammie, are you okay? You're bleeding!" she exclaimed in a panic. I chuckled and held her in a hug.

"I'm going to be okay," I whispered. Amelia nodded and curled up with me to keep me warm. Half an hour of us laying on the ground passed by. Amelia had tried at one point to pull me to safety. It was no use though. She talked to me and made sure I stayed awake. She's such a smart kid. It was getting darker when we heard someone yelling.

"Amelia!" I heard a familiar masculine voice yell. Amelia jumped up.

"Over here! Hurry up! Please!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. I watched with a blurry vision as I heard a gasp coming from the one person I've been wanting to see for months.

"Pooch?" Jay whispered in disbelief. I smiled as I watched his feet get closer. My eyes moved up to his face where I saw tears rolling down his cheeks. He knelt down beside me and hugged me tightly. Tears rolled down my face as well before everything turned pitch black. I'm finally home.
A/N: Hey guys. I'm sorry I've been missing for awhile. I've been having a rough time lately. First, I was having life troubles. Then, I was rushed to the ER the other day because we thought I had appendicitis. I'm just going to say it as it is. IVs hurt. Anyways, I didn't have appendicitis, so that's good news for me. I'm going to try to update when I can. I hope you all enjoyed the overdue chapter! Please comment, vote, and share. This is still in the Watty's. Don't even ask me how you're supposed to vote for it with that. I have no clue. Anywho, have a good day!

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