Chapter 21

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Cameron's POV
I turned in my sleep. This was the worst nightmare yet, seeing as it has actually happened in the real world.

I struggled against the chains that were bound to my wrists. I cried out in pain when I felt them rub up against the raw skin. I stopped struggling when I heard the door open and footsteps walk closer. It was dark in this place, so I couldn't see anything other than a silhouette of a man. "Where is he?" a deep voice asked with venom.

"Where is who?" I smarted back. The silhouette walked closer. He lifted his hand and brought it forth to smack me. My cheek burned from the contact.

"I've had enough of playing your games. You will either tell us where my brother is, or you will pay the price," the man said as he caressed my face. I pulled away from his hand in disgust.

"There's no way that I would ever tell you anything," I spat at him. The man laughed menacingly.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way," he said as he snapped his fingers. Two men unchained me from the wall and held onto my biceps with a lot of pressure. I grunted from the pressure they were asserting. The two men dragged me to a pole and threw me down. They chained me up again to the pole. "Here's your last chance to give me the information," the man said from behind me. I heard the crack of a whip hit against the floor. He walked into my line of sight and grabbed my chin. "Just a few words and this can end." I spat on his face causing him to backhand my face. I clenched my teeth to hold in the cry, but unlucky me, a whimper escaped.

The man smiled at my weakness. I glared at him as he disappeared from my vision. I heard him crack the whip against the floor again. I readied myself for the pain that was sure to come. I heard the whip crack again before pain was jolted into my back causing me to flinch.

I woke up with a scream. My body shook uncontrollably. I looked around to make sure I wasn't heard by anyone before I realized I was home and not in that Godforsaken place. I let out a breath of relief and laid back against the couch. I heard frantic footsteps causing me to tense. My body was here, but my mind was still in the memory which meant my senses were too.

"Pooch, are you okay?" Jay asked as he came into my sights. I nodded slowly. "Flashback?" I nodded again and scooted over so he had room to sit. He chuckled and sat down, moving my head to rest on his lap. I looked up at his dark brown eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes and flowed freely down my face. "Pooch?"

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what overcame me to even think about doing it! I-I just had this sudden urge and-" I started before Jay shushed me.

"It's okay. The paramedics think you had a PTSD attack. I'm not blaming you for anything, but I do want to talk to you about somethings. Starting with this," Jay said as he pulled out a folded up piece of paper. I looked at it and recognized it immediately. I drew it when I was at my weakest point. "Let's look here," he said, unfolding the paper, "I have no talent. Cameron, you proved that wrong at our coming home party. You have a beautiful voice." I blushed as Jay kept going.

"Hated? I love you. A mistake? If you're a mistake, then who knows what I am. Worthless? You are worth everything to me. No knight in shining armor for me? I'm sitting right here," Jay said as he caressed my cheek. I smiled warmly at him. I lowered my gaze to my hands. "Look at me. Nothing, and I mean nothing, in this world could ever make me stop loving you." Tears welled up in my eyes from his words. Jay smiled down at me. "It's true," he whispered as he leaned in for a kiss. Before our lips could meet, we were so rudely interrupted by no other than my brothers and best friend.

"Cameron!" they all yelled in unison. I stood up from the couch only to be tackled to the ground by the three. Jay laughed in the background at my situation.

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