Chapter 15

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A couple months passed by. Not much has happened. There hasn't even been any threats or signs of threats from the group that wants me. Aidan and Jack decided that they wanted to try to go back to the mall with friends again. I was really disagreeing to it but was pulled along anyways again. So, here I sat in the backseat of Aidan's Mustang, sulking because I was forced to go shopping. "Oh suck it up, Buttercup. We'll stop by the gun store if you smile," Aidan negotiated.

"Deal!" I agreed quickly and put on the best smile I could muster. Jack shook his head and looked back out the window as we pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

"Looks like everyone is here already," he muttered.

"You all invited Lacy? Really?" I whined from the backseat.

"I still owed her a date, remember? Luckily, she let this slide as a date as long as I act like her date," Jack said with a frown. I groaned along with him.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer because the cool kids have arrived," Aidan said as he put sunglasses on his face.

"The cool kids?" I questioned before laughing at my brother. Jack got out then helped me to get out. I was still a little sore where I was stabbed, even though the stitches came out months ago. "Alright, Aidan. You better keep your part of the deal."

"I think I have a better idea than what I told you in the car," Aidan said with a mischievous smile. I have a confused and worried look. That smile can never be good news. I jumped when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see a smiling Jay along with Greyson, Marilyn, and Amelia.

"Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you guys in weeks. Well, I saw you yesterday," I said as I pointed at Jay, who just shrugged his shoulders. I ran to Marilyn and hugged her then Amelia. I just waved to Greyson. I hadn't seen Marilyn or Greyson since the coming home party. I accidentally bumped into Amelia while I was at the store last week.

"Alright. Stop it with the love fest, and let's get inside!" Lacy snakily remarked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jay's hand, walking in the mall with him by my side. Once we were in the mall, the group kind of split up to go in different stores. Surprisingly, Amelia wanted to go with me and Jay to the surplus store and gun store. As we were coming out of the gun store, I accidentally bumped into an older gentleman.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I apologized quickly.

"You're fine, Miss," the man said as he looked up at me. Realization crossed his face once his eyes connected with mine. "Aren't you that young lady I sat with on the plane several months back? You were coming back from Afghanistan. You had a K9 named...oh what was his name?"

"Apache?" I suggested.

"Yeah!" he said with a smile, "Remember, I told you about the dog I had in 'Nam? Smokey."

"Oh yeah! It's good to see you. How are you?" I asked kindly.

"I'm doing great. I'm living with my son. That's why I was on the plane. You know, I didn't want to come out here. No one understood how I felt. That was until I met you on the plane. You knew exactly how I felt," he said with a smile, "By the way, my name is Franklin, but you can call me Frank."

"I'm Cameron, and this is Jay. He was one of my comrades," I said as I shook Frank's hand, "It was very nice to see you again, Frank."

"The pleasure was all mine," he said with a smile, "I better get back to my grandkids. They're trying to teach me about cellphones. Here's my number. Call me if you ever need to talk to me." I smiled and nodded. Frank pulled me in for a hug then grabbed his granddaughters' hands. I heard him whisper to the girls, "Right there are two heroes just like your granddad." I smiled at the statement before turning back to Jay.

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