Chapter 19

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"Cameron Leigh soon to be Payne!" Aidan shouted. I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast when I heard the door slam twice. Aidan and Jack appeared in the kitchen in front of me. "When were you going to tell us that you decided to get married?" Aidan asked with an accusing look.

"What are you talking about? I haven't gotten married. I have gotten engaged though," I said as I finish cutting an apple up.

"Does dad know?" Jack asked, squinting his eyes. We always had a rule that dad had to approve before an engagement or, in my case, a boyfriend. Aidan and Jack had it easy. Stupid brothers.

"If he didn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we?" I retorted with an innocent smile.

"That sneaky fox! He didn't ask for our blessing!" Aidan exclaimed just as the door opened again.

"That's because I only needed to get her daddy on my side," Jay said as he strolled into the kitchen.

"Still not fair!" Jack and Aidan pouted like the toddlers they are.

"How about this? When you two find a girl and decide to propose, I get to interrogate her to make sure she suites my brother. I get to do that if you interrogate Jay," I bargained. Aidan went to open his mouth, but I interrupted, "But!"

"I knew there was a but," Jack grumbled.

"You can only do it when we get back because I'm running late," I said as I looked at my watch. I grabbed Jay's arm on my way out the door. He walked along side of me to his truck and helped me in.

"Did you have to sell me out like that?" Jay pouted.

"Oh, you'll be okay. I just really want to interrogate their girlfriends," I said with an evil smirk.

"On that note, we need to get going before you turn to the evil Cameron on me," Jay said as he backed out of the driveway. After a few minutes of silence, I had to break it somehow, so I turned the radio up and started singing along to the lyrics of the song, "Overcomer" by Mandisa. Jay smiled and joined in here and there causing me to laugh. Right as the song ended, Jay pulled up at the diner. It was the only place I could find that was hiring. Mom thought it would help me get back into the routine of things if I got a job, so I applied.

"I'll be back out in a few minutes," I said as I unbuckled the seatbelt. Jay leaned over and pecked my lips. I smiled at him then walked inside.

*Gonna skip the interview 😉*

I walked back outside of the diner with a smile. "What did they say?" Jay asked with anticipation.

"I start Monday!" I yelled jumping up and down. Jay jumped out of the truck, picked me up, and twirled me around causing me to squeal in surprise.

"That's great!" he said before connecting his lips with mine.

"Okay. That's checked off the list. Now, to the store!" I said as I pointed toward the truck and mockingly marched to the passenger side.

"You're such a character," Jay muttered under his breath.

"But you love me," I flirted back.

"That I do," Jay stated as he turned on the ignition. I giggled at him while he pulled onto the street.
"I'll go get the milk while you get the bread," I said as Jay and I split up. I walked over to the dairy section and stood in front of the large selection of milk. "Ugh. Why do they put the Vitamin D on the top? Don't they know short people drink it too?" I muttered under my breath as I stretched to get the milk. I felt my shirt ride up but paid no attention until I heard laughing and whispering. I looked down to see my scars exposed. I finally got the milk and put it in the buggy before driving on. As I was walking, I could hear all the comments that were being made.

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