I was so happy that finally I'd be having some time to talk to Chase alone. It'd been a while since we did. Either he'd not be around or I'd be stuck somewhere.

And well my friends- they all could get pretty hard to handle at times. Ours was the only clique at school who were all the same- total whackos.

"They can be bizarre at times, but I love them, whatsoever. I might fight with them all the time but if anyone would ever lay a finger on them, he or she would be facing me. And did I tell you, I know karate?" We laughed again and continued our walk. We talked about random stuff, anything and everything that came to our minds. There was no awkward moment of silence and I was very glad.

We reached the dining room and saw everyone sitting in a lopsided circle. There was a bottle lying right at the centre. They were playing 'spin the bottle'. Cool! It looked like all of them were having a lot of fun. ME TOO! ME TOO!

I took some steps towards them dramatically and raised my hands up in the air to make a grand entrance.


I looked at them for a cheering response but all I got were disinterested and 'here-comes-another-drunkard' stares.

"Geez! What are you all? Cranky eighty year olds?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Chase." It was Mia, one of Bree's minions. "Come on. Join us."

"Hey Sarah," Bree said. I knew no one was behind me, so that meant she was referring to me.

"Hazel" I said nonchalantly.

"Whatever....Haley. Find some space and plop your ass down."

I didn't blame her. It was not her fault that she was born with a pea- sized brain. And I knew she did that on purpose, just to get a rise out of me but FYI I really don't give a damn.

"Haze come here," Derek said. He, Ashley and Tyler were there too. Awesome!

I went to them and dropped next to Ashley. I was sure she was drunk by then, but knowing her, I knew she could handle some more.

"Where were you? You missed so much. Katie just cracked an egg on her head. You should have seen it. It was so hilarious," Ashley said chuckling.

I looked around at others sitting in the circle. Bonnie was wearing clown make up, Frank was sitting in nothing but his boxers, Tanya was wearing a lampshade on her head and Stanley had 'FUNKY MONKEY' doodled on his face in red lipstick!

Looked like I did miss a lot of things.


"Spin the bottle," someone said.

The bottle stopped at Ashley. Sean was sitting at her right, so, it was his turn to ask. "So Ashley, truth or dare?"


"If you had to be locked in a room with someone in this room for a week, who would that be and what all would you do to him?" he asked with a smirk. "Come on baby! Pick me," he said and snorted.

"I would rather pick a pig," she said with a disgusted face and everyone laughed at him. "Derek, of course," she said and smiled at him seductively. "And I don't think I need to explain the other part of the question. Isn't it obvious?"

We all started laughing again and the guys started wolf- whistling. I knew it was the alcohol talking. She'd never say something like that in front of an audience.


She looked at Derek. He was actually blushing like a girl. I didn't know he could look cute.

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