"Working, why is there something wrong with that?" Yuri said quietly.

"Does Zyshaun know you're here this late?" Ramone asked and I saw a flash of irritation on Yuri's face.

"Yeah he know's in fact I was here with him, he's in the studio....... but since we're playing twenty-one questions, does that nigga you were fucking with know where you're at..... Oh that's right he broke up with you." Yuri said smirking and I had to grabbed Ramone before he hurt this dude.

"Aight that's enough of that...... Mon let's go." I said pulling him away, I knew Ramone was still in his feelings over Nico even though they've been broken up for over a year. We walked into the room and Zyshaun was sitting in the corner smoking a blunt, that caught me off guard because as far as I knew Zyshaun didn't smoke and I knew he hated when people smoked in the studio. "Wassup Zy."

"Wassup y'all." Zyshaun said without looking up, yeah something was definitely wrong with him but before I could even ask he stood up and started walking out the room. "I'll bring Trinity and Saint over around 6 on Friday." He said before shutting the door.

"That was weird." Ramone said looking at me, I shrugged and took my seat, my goals were to stay out of peoples business if Zy wanted to talked about it then that was different but I wasn't going to press the issue if he didn't. I had lost track of time of how long we had been in the studio, honestly it felt like minutes but when I looked at my phone and saw that I had a lot of missed calls and text I quickly scanned through them and saw they weren't that important. Cam wanted to talk to me about something, Khalil was trying to make me feel bad about not siding with him, Legacy wanted to know what happened and so on.... but there was one person who didn't call or text at all.

"Ayy I think that's enough for one night." I said standing up and stretching, Ramone nodded and walked out the booth.

"Yeah I think we both got a little caught up........ so I've been meaning to ask....... have you talk to him?" Ramone asked and I immediately knew who was talking about.

"Last time I talk to Nico was about two months ago, he was in Tanzania getting ready to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, you know his ass is always looking for a new challenge.... why don't you call him?" I asked.

"Because the last time I talked to him he cussed me out, and the last time I saw him we fought...... so I figured you being his best friend you could tell him to call me." Ramone said as we gathered our things.

"You know I stay outta y'alls business but if I talk to him I'll mention it...... now can you drop me off at the hospital?" I said smirking. Ramone dropped me off and I couldn't have timed it more perfectly, Torian got off in like twenty minutes which meant I could ride home with him and spend a little time with him before he went to bed. After finding out where he was in the hospital I caught the elevator up to his floor and started looking for him, as I was wondering the halls I started to think he left until I felt someone walking behind me and then pulled me into a dark room....

"What if I told you I wanted to fuck you right here?" Torian said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I would tell you that you better start looking for a new job right after, because you know how loud I get." I said kissing him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming up here?" He asked quietly.

"Because I was trying to surprise you, I was at the studio and since I wasn't that far away I figured I could ride you home...... I mean ride with you home." I said laughing quietly.

"Nah you meant the first thing, but look I'm off the rest of the week so we can do whatever..... at least until all those bad ass little kids get there Friday. So let me go clock out and so we can get home." Torian said kissing me one more time before opening the door. I sat in the lobby waiting for Torian to come down and I saw him step out the elevator with some buff light skinned dude that was staring at him a little too hard for my liking.

"I'll see you on Monday Dr.Reed." The dude said smiling at Torian who just nodded and walked over to me.

"Who was that?" I asked still looking at the dudes retreating back, Torian looked at me and smirked.

"Aww it's so cute when you get all jealous." He said pinching my cheek, but I slapped his hand away and tried not to smirk. "He's one of the RN I work with, and you don't have to worry about him......."

"I'm not worried in the slightest, because we both know I look better than that dude now give me a kiss." I said pulled on his shirt, Torian gave me and quick kiss and couldn't help but smile, Torian grabbed my hand and we started walking out the door but something told me to turn around and when I did the dude was watching me and Torian closely........................................

Homecoming Pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now