Niall - Superhero

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Hi, this is a personal request for  @elisheba27, I know you guys will enjoy it just the same. :) 

Please note, this short contains self harm and suicidal thoughts. *trigger warning*. Read at your own discretion. :) 

Addylynn's POV (pronounced ad-de-lin)

*trigger warning*

Hopeless. Worthless. Bitchy. Fat. Untalented. 


Kill yourself. No one wants you here. No one likes you.

Deeper cut...

I couldn't do it anymore, I didn't want to breathe, to live, to exist... After all, I had nothing to live for.... I told my best friend I was just going to the bathroom, that was 20 minutes ago.
I didn't want to go back out there, to face reality. 

All of those people online we're right. I'm hopeless, worthless, bitchy, fat and untalented, as well as a list of other things. Wouldn't it just be easier if l made this cut as deep as it could be?

I pressed the blade against my raw skin, and applied pressure, slowly, I dragged the blade across my skin, feeling the pain. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, but I didn't stop to wipe them away, I just let them fall. Poor Niall.... I wish I didn't have to leave him like this, he's my best friend, the only one who cares enough to show me what I'm actually worth.... 

I slowly pulled the blade away from my now open cut, staring at the blood rushing from it. I thought of Niall, and what he would think if he saw me this way. I mean, he knows I'm depressed, but he doesn't know it's this bad. I love Niall to pieces, and I know he'd help me, but how do you just come out and tell someone that you harm yourself? It's not exactly easy... I pulled my knees into my chest, sitting against the toilet on the cold bathroom floor. There was blood on the tiles and on my shirt, my blades across the vanity and the white cloth I've used many-a-time to stop my bleeding... And then, I cried. I cried harder than I've cried in a while. The tears were now streaming from my eyes and I wished right then and there, that Niall would come rushing in to save me.

Niall's POV *end of trigger*

Addylynn told me she'd be back soon, but shes been gone for half an hour.. I'm really worried about her. I saw the scars on her arms earlier, and I was going to bring it up, but she left for the bathroom and hasn't come back. I get up from the sofa and wander down the hall towards the bathroom. I can hear Addylynn sobbing inside. I debate with myself on whether or not I should knock at the door, because one, I don't to scare her, and two, this seems like a time where she just needs to be alone. 

But on the other hand, what if she actually needs help, and I'm standing on the other side of the bathroom door, like an idiot, and not helping her? Eventually, the helpful side wins, I knock at the door gently and call her name.

"Add? Are you okay in there..?"

"N-Niall," she called, her voice was so soft that I had to press my ear to the door to hear her. "H-help m-me, ple-ease...." I tried to open to door, but it was locked.

"Add, the door's locked. Can you open it?" I heard her shuffling around a little, and grunting, but the door was still locked.

"No... There's a key on the kitchen bench, under the knife block." Okay... I thought to myself.

"Okay, sit tight, love." I walked back from the bathroom towards the kitchen, looking for the damn knife block. It was no where to be seen, so I started picking up random objects hoping to find the key. Eventually I found it, under a chopping board, -Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right?- after searching for a good 10 minutes. I went back to the bathroom and unlocked the door, and what I saw broke my heart into pieces. 

My best friend was sitting on the tiles, clutching her swollen and cut open arm, surrounded by blood and her blades tossed carelessly in the sink. I rushed over to her and engulfed her in a hug. She cried in my arms, telling me endlessly that she was sorry, that it became too much, and I just listened and rubbed circles on her back. I didn't know she was broken, but I wish I did. Once she stopped crying, she looked up at me with puffy eyes and said:

"I'm lucky to have a friend like you, Niall. I love you so much."

I was so humbled by her words that I almost started to cry myself. I cleared my throat and began to stand up, assisting Addylynn on the way.

"Let's get you cleaned up, princess. I've got something I want to ask you." She nodded and sat on the toilet seat as I cleaned her arm and bandaged it for her, before kissing the top of it, making her giggle. I grabbed a mop and bucket and cleaned the bathroom floor, and Addylynn used all of her strength and courage and tossed her blades in the garbage bin, and I couldn't have been more proud of her. 

Once I'd put the mop and bucket away, Addylynn wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I helped her back in to the living room. We sat down on the couch, and she snuggled into me. 

"Ni? What did you wanna ask again?" Addylynn asked. I knew it was now or never, and the circumstances may not have been perfect, but nothing's perfect, and I know in my heart that despite everything that's happened today, now was the right time, and I couldn't wait to ask.

"Addylynn. I want you to listen to me carefully. You are the most beautiful, selfless, amazing, caring, thoughtful and perfect best friend I've ever had, but that's never been enough for me. You've always been the best in my eyes, and that will never change. I love your smile, your laugh, your corny jokes that you always tell," she playfully punched my arm and rolled her eyes at that one. "I love how you never put yourself first, even though you should, and I love how you go about life with full force and take the consequences if things go wrong. And even if this day may not have been perfect, and the situation not ideal, it doesn't matter, because I wouldn't have done this any other way. Addylynn, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out a velvet box with a promise ring inside. Add had her hand wrapped over her mouth and she was crying again. I opened the box and put the little ring on her hand and she nodded her head frantically before jumping up in my arms and hugging me.

"I love you, Niall. So much that it hurts." I smiled and wrapped my arms around my favourite girl.

"I love you too, princess. More than you know." And that was the perfect end, to a not so perfect day.

A/N: Heya, everyone. I know, worst author in the world, leaves a book for 3 months and comes back with a sad and depressing chapter. Bad Chinique. Anywho, how are you all? Are you well? I'm so sorry for the EXTRA late update. It wasn't intentional, but people in my life are screwing me over and its proper annoying. I hope you all enjoy this, it's been a long time coming, and I'm home most of the day today, so I should hopefully have a second chapter up too, to make up for the time I've lost. I've started a new job, and have orientation in a couple of weeks, and I failed History midyear because my teacher is a bitch. However, I was told I could get uncompleted work in over my break, and then have my History section reassessed, but my teacher took my book home, so I can't get the work. Ugh. Well, that's my little rant over... 

I wanted to ask you guys, what would you think about me not just doing sick fics in this book, but some one shots and stuff as well? I'll change the title of the book and stuff, and I'm looking at changing my user too. It's just a thought, let me know what you think, and I'll talk to you all in the next chapter!

Love you all - hugs and love - Chi xx

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