Liam - Tonsillitis - Part 2

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"Mr Payne, are you ready?" The nurse asked, walking into the room. I nodded at her and smiled, waving at the boys as they wheeled my hospital bed out of the bright room. As she wheeled me down the hallways, I saw some people who waved at me and smiled, I smiled and waved back, giving them a thumbs up to let them know that I'd be okay. We soon reached an elevator, and might I add, it was HUGE! Like, it was so much bigger than a normal person elevator, it was longer and a little wider, enough room for a bed and maybe 4 people! Anyhow, I was so nervous about this surgery. The procedure didn't take long, but I needed to find out if I could go to the concert. Not to sing, but to just be there. I love seeing our fans. My thoughts were interrupted when I was stopped outside another room. That same nurse wheeled me inside, put on the break and closed the curtains before coming over and grabbing the clipboard at the end of the bed.

"Alright, Mr Payne. Your anaesthetist will be in shortly and then we'll take you into theatre." She gave me a small smile before opening the curtain, slipping out and letting the curtain fall back in its place. I closed my eyes, wondering what it would be like to wake up and have part of my throat missing... I thought of all the ice cream I'd be able to eat, and then have Harry whining at me for not keeping a diet. Even the thought made me smile. All the sleep I'd be able to have, and for the first couple of days, the little whiteboard I'd carry around to write what I wanted to say.

"Hi, Liam. I'm Doctor Nick Grimshaw and I'll be your anaesthetist for today's procedure." I looked at the young doctor for a minute and something clicked, I'm sure that I'd heard Harry mention his name before... Doctor Grimshaw talked for a few minutes, telling me about the anaesthetic and the possible side effects. When he was finished and he made sure I understood the precautions, he called the nurse back in.

"Ready to go?" She asked me, her high pitched voice as chirpy as the last time. I gave her a thumbs up and she wheeled me into the theatre room.

"Count backwards from 10, Mr Payne." Said Doctor Grimshaw. I counted back from 10 quietly and I could slowly feel myself growing sleepier. The last thing I remember from there is hearing 'let's do this' before I was dead asleep.

*meanwhile in Liam's original hospital room*


Liam's only been in surgery for 10 minutes, and all of us are already bored out of our minds. Harry's currently at the cafeteria, getting some food for us all, Louis is playing FIFA on his phone and I'm here waiting for food. Go figure.

I'm sure we all have 10,000 questions to ask the doctor, but we haven't seen anyone since the nurse took Liam away... We're all petrified about this whole surgery thing, I mean, yes, we jumped at the opportunity for Liam to get better, but what if something goes wrong? We already lost one member and we can't lose another... This show in Birmingham has been a long time coming, the fans have been waiting for ages and now this happens. Just perfect.

"Niall! Heads up!" I look up just in time to see Harry tossing a sandwich packet at me and another one at Louis.

"OI!" Came Louis' annoyed voice, as the sandwich pack lands right on his phone. Harry's eyes widened and I stifled a laugh as Louis pouts, arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry, boo." Replied Harry, earning a middle finger from Louis, which made him laugh.

Just as I dived into my sandwich, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I rolled my eyes and began to fish my iPhone out of my skinny jeans. Man, I swear these things have gotten tighter. When I finally got to my phone, I looked at the screen to see a new tweet from Zayn.

'@zaynmalik: Heard that my bro @Real_Liam_Payne is having surgery, best wishes man! Good luck boys! @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles Big love!'

I smiled at the tweet, before liking and retweeting the tweet. I put my phone on my lap and munched back into my sandwich, noticing Lou and Haz doing the same. We ate in silence until the nurse came back, wheeling a still-under-anaesthetic Liam into the room, the doctor following behind and Paul coming in behind her.

"Hello everyone, I'm Doctor Adams, I conducted Liam's surgery this afternoon. It was a simple procedure and it was successful. As you can see, the anaesthetic still hasn't worn off, but it shouldn't be too much longer. I trust that you guys understand that Liam will be unable to perform for at least 2 weeks. However, in saying that, he can of course, go to the shows for moral support and to meet fans. Also, don't let him talk to much for the first few days to a week. He will hopefully be discharged within the next couple of hours and needs to be under direct supervision. Do you have any questions?"

I looked around and saw the other lads nodding their heads, whereas I'm still sitting here, gawking at the female doctor. She had gorgeous brown eyes, and blonde hair, that wasn't dyed, like mine... She wore glasses and her doctors coat hung loosely over her shoulders. I might have to get her number later. Harry clears his throat from beside me, I quickly snap out of my trance and nod my head. The doctor leaves with a smile on her face and the two boys begin to laugh.

"Hahaha, mate, you were just staring. Like, proper staring." I roll my eyes at Harry and huff, pulling out my phone to make a new tweet.

'@NiallOfficial: Liam's okay everyone, in recovery right now, and he won't be able to sing for a little while, but we'll make it work! See you at the show 2nite!'

I put my phone away when I hear soft groaning coming from Liam's bed. I hurried over and peered over the side of the rail, waiting for my best friend to wake up.

Liam's POV

I softly groan as I slowly open my eyes to the familiar bright lights of my hospital room, I turn my head to the left and see my familiar dyed-blonde-Irish best friend, smiling down at me, when he sees that I've woken up. He waves at Louis and Harry to get their attention, and soon, they too are by my side.

"Hey, Li, how are you feeling?" Louis asks, coming over and rubbing my hair. I smile at him and send him a thumbs up, my throat being too sore to try and communicate. I make a writing motion on my hand, silently asking for a pen and paper. Harry rushes over to Niall's Adidas backpack and pulls out a notepad and pen. I smile at them before writing down what I want to say.

'So, when do I leave here? :D' I write, adding a grin at the end.

"Couple of hours mate. We'll make it in time for the show!" Louis says, clapping his hands together, making Harry and Niall laugh and me smile ridiculously wide.

Over the next hour I see more doctors, take a few tests and eat some ice cream. My hand is sore from writing, and I honestly couldn't have been happier when Niall signed those release papers. I'm now stirring in Harry's dressing room, while Louise runs a brush through my untamed hair. I'm still scribbling on this notepad and I'm trying to contain my nerves for the show tonight. The crew aren't even letting me near my microphone, so I don't feel tempted to sing. I'm basically just there to mouth words and prance around. It's kinda funny, really. I pull out my phone to make a tweet while Lou sprays hairspray through my hair.

'@Real_Liam_Payne: Looking forward to the show tonight, though no singing or talking. I'm well and good and can't wait to be back!'

I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket, before standing up and writing a thank you to Lou and hugging her, receiving a fist bump from Harry an a pat on the back as I leave his dressing room and head down the hall back to my own.

The last few minutes before the show, I'm walking up the halls to stage and the nerves kick in. I meet the boys just as the music for Hey Angel begins I follow Harry out onto the stage and immediately the screams fill my ears. It's times like these when I realise that no matter how badly things go down, coming back to do what I love, will always be my favourite thing about this job. Not singing for two weeks, may not be so bad after all.

A/N: Hey guys, here's the (very long) awaited part 2 of Liam's tonsillitis. I'm sorry it's taken a while, I forgot about it, to be honest. 😂 but it's here now! Better late than never, right? Anyway. I've written everything down now, so no chance of forgetting again, and also, I'm writing this last part while at lunch with the family. Oh well 💁🏻. And happy birthday to TaylorDeniseGarza 😘 have a great day, babe!

Love you all, and thank you for being so patient with me. 😘 -Chinique xx

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