Harry - Sick at recording

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Harry's POV

I woke up this morning with my head pounding. I shuffle my way out of bed, every move hurting my head just that little bit more, I begin rummaging through the medicine cupboards in search of some Aspirin. Just my luck, I though to myself as I found an empty box of the little pill. I mentally cursed myself for not checking after Niall and Louis came home last week from a big night out, both of them ending up with hangovers. I decided to forget about it and wait for it to go away on it's own. I got a glass from the other cupboard and filled it with water. I walked into the living room and switched on the TV with the volume down low, trying not to wake the other boys. Unbeknownst to me, Liam was waking up and he was soon in the living room, taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"Morning mate!" Liam says, sounding as chirpy as ever. I grimace and rub my temples as his words are like sirens.

"Please Li, not so loud..." I say, barely above a whisper. Liam looks at me with worry written across his face.

"You okay Haz? What's up?"

"Head," was all I could manage before my stomach started turning, I sat up straighter and clutched my lower half, not even worrying about my head at this moment.

"Haz? Harry?" Liam tried, but I couldn't answer him this time. I shot up from my position on the couch and ran to the nearby bathroom, not throwing up anything, but just dry heaving. Liam was by my side shortly after, rubbing soothing circles on my back and trying his best to comfort me.

"All done?" Liam asked after the few moments of silence.

"For now," I say, nodding slowly. The turning in my stomach had subsided, but I still felt sick. Liam helped me up and flushed the toilet whilst I went to the sink to brush the foul taste out of my mouth.

"What's up with you Haz? You rarely get sick like this."

"M'not sure. Probably hungry, not unusual to be nauseous if I'm hungry, right?" Liam nodded and I gave him a half smile, we both walked back to the kitchen to find everyone up now, Niall and Louis attempting to cook pancakes as we walked around the corner.

"Morning lads!" Liam and I spoke in unison, catching the others attention.

"Morning boys!" Louis spoke excitedly as he poured more mixture into the pan. Niall waved and stacked some more pancakes on a plate at the other side of the bench. I'll give the boys credit, they may not be able to cook to save themselves, but give them something pre-made or a mix, and they're cracking. Liam and I sat at the breakfast bar after helping ourselves to pancakes, Louis joining us a few moments later, but Niall wasn't around.

"Where's Nialler?" I ask, curious, as the words escaped my mouth, out walked Niall from the kitchen with this massive - I'm not even kidding - MASSIVE plate of pancakes in front of him. He grinned happily as he began to dig in, drenching his plate in syrup. Me on the other hand, I got through a pancake and a half before I had to run back into the bathroom again, this time Louis followed me.

"HARRY!" He shrieked when he saw me leaning over the bowl, my body pulsing with every heave. He crouched down beside me and was keeping me calm until I was sure I had finished. I pulled away from the toilet and collapsed on the wall. Louis helped clean up and we walked out into the other room, where Niall and Liam were cleaning up everything from breakfast.

"You gonna be okay to go to the studio today Haz?" Niall came over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, well at least tried to, he was standing on his toes.

"Yeah, I reckon, just a bit of man-flu." He chuckled lightly and I wrapped him in an embrace, hoping he'd get the idea I wanted one of his famous Horan-hugs. He hugged me back tightly before releasing me and allowing me to go and get ready to go to the studio.

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