Louis - Claustrophobic Attack

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"Louis" I woke up to the sound of someone whispering my name and gently shaking me.

"Lou, time to get up, mate, come on." I grunted as I tried to swat the hands that were shaking me, only to be shaken again.

"Louis, I swear, get your big bum out of bed now before Paul shoots us all down." This time the voice became a bit harsher and the shaking became stronger. I swatted some more and began to sit up. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep and looked up to see none other than Liam, looking at me, frustrated.

"What? I'm up. Why did you even have to wake me at.." I checked the time on my phone before speaking again. "5:30?!" I glared at Liam who proceeded to roll his eyes.

"Because we have a radio interview in an hour and it's 45 minutes away! Now get dressed and meet the rest of us in the kitchen. Be quick please." With that Liam walked out, leaving me in a daze. But nonetheless, I crawled myself out of bed and pulled my pajamas off, heading to the shower. I washed my hair and my body, making sure I smelt good. I stepped out about 6 minutes later and wrapped a fluffy blue towel around my waist as I brushed my teeth. I walked back into my room and pulled on a pair of boxers followed by my black skinny jeans, I went searching for a shirt that was clean, as clothes were thrown everywhere from being on tour break for the next week or so. I found my black 'Black Sabbath' t-shirt and pulled that on after dousing myself in deodorant and pulled on some converse. I ran my fingers through my hair, grabbing my phone and my wallet, jogging down the stairs to the boys waiting in the kitchen.

"Mornin' Lou!" Niall's chirpy voice sounded followed by Harry's gravelly voice behind.

"Ah! Finally awake are we?" I stuck my tongue out at him, being the mature 23 year old that I am, and continued on my way to one of the coolers to get some water. Only to be disturbed by a large bang as Paul entered the bus.

"Alright boys, let's go. We're running on a tight schedule as it is!" Paul's voice boomed around the bus as we rushed to get our things to get into the interview room. I stepped out of the bus and I don't think I've ever felt so scared in my life, there were no barriers blocking the fans, they came, honestly, running at me, grabbing at me, tugging my clothes and shouting random things at me, it was honestly the most frightened I have ever felt by our fans. I've never been in a situation this bad before.

"Paul, get them away, please... I can't be so close..." I start to panic, this is terrible, I just feel like I'm being blocked in.

"Louis, what do you mean you can't be so close?" Paul tried to pull me to keep walking but I kept dragging, I was becoming so uncomfortable with everything that my body began to shut down.

"I can't keep going, I'm being blocked in! Get them away!!! PLEASE!" I began to shake as they came closer and closer, I could hear the screaming still and hear Paul yelling for them to get back, but it made no difference, they still kept tugging at me and wanting my attention. Eventually I started to cry. I stopped shuffling my feet and slumped myself against a wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I was so aware of everything happening and the crowds started to build to see what was happening with me. All I could see was mounds of girls piling up, hundreds and hundreds of them, all around me. So I closed my eyes. I began to panic even more, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I decided to call for the other boys.

"HARRY! LIAM! NIALL!!! SOMEONE HELP ME! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" I received a few strange looks from this sudden outburst of screaming, but at this point, I really didn't care. I don't understand why barriers weren't put out, they usually are, and even so if they're not, people don't try and tear us apart.

"Louis! Stop yelling and get up, the boys are inside and we're afraid to bring them out again in case they get mobbed too. Take my hand and close your eyes, the door is about 30 metres away. Just around the corner. We'll protect you." Paul's voice came closer to me and I opened my eyes, Paul had his hand outstretched towards me. I grabbed a hold of his hand tightly and pulled myself shakily to my feet. Once I was upright, everyone came at me again.

"Louis! Stay calm, just walk and try and tune them out." Paul kept trying to reassure me to walk, but I couldn't do it. I was beyond breaking point now. Between the fans screaming 'Louis! Louis!' and grabbing pieces of my clothing - not to mention my bum as well for some reason - I couldn't keep walking. I halted abruptly, much to Paul's disliking and began to hyperventilate.

"Louis, keep walking. It's not far now." Everything was closing in and I felt alone. My breathing started to quicken and my pulse rate became higher. The last thing I remember is someone screaming 'GET OUT OF THE WAY NOW! LET ME GET TO HIM!' before I felt myself hit something hard and everything go black.


I woke up with people standing over me, my first initial reaction was to scream and push them away. But as I regained focus, I realised I was on a couch, in what I believe to be the place where we were having our interview, with Harry, Liam and Niall standing over me. Smiling when I woke up.

"Lou? You alright? You gave us quite a scare." Liam gave me a soft smile followed by Harry.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I don't know what came over me. I have never been like that before. Especially not around the fans." I sat up and rubbed my temples. Confused after everything that has happened. My head hurts a bit for some unknown reason, but I decided to shake it off.

"It's okay mate," Niall came over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Does your head hurt? You hit it pretty hard when you collapsed out there." Oh so that's what happened. I nodded slowly and pointed where it hurt. Harry went and got and icepack and placed it on my head. I hissed at the cool touch but relaxed as it began to soothe the ache.

"Thanks for looking after me lads. Where's Paul?" I questioned the boys, having not seen Paul since I was outside.

"He's out in the interview room trying to get them to let us stay and do our interview. He's been out there for just over 30 minutes." Harry came over and pointed at a screen in the room. Sure enough, there was Paul, his eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed, trying to persuade these people. I chuckled at the sight and looked around at the boys before putting the icepack down and standing up.

"Thanks boys, for looking after me after everything that happened... I don't know what came over me. But all I know is that it was damn scary." I blushed a bit of embarrassment at my confession but I was wrapped into a group hug. I felt so lucky at this point in time, having 3 other guys to know what I was going through.

A/N: HI! I'm sorry this one took so long to update, I had massive writers block and wasn't sure where I wanted it to go, however, I finally felt inspired and here we are with another finished part! (YAY) Please let me know what you think and send in a request if you have one. :)

Lots of love, Chi! x

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