Short Story.

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The day I got married... I still remember that day. The love of my life was standing at the altar, his hands shaking, and eyes wide, but he still looked perfect. His hair was roughly styled, just how I like it, he was dressed in a red and white suit, and to top it all off, he was wearing his glasses... I love it when he wears his glasses... He was fumbling with his suit jacket as I walked down the aisle, my own hands shaking around my bouquet. I could see my mum watching me as she dabbed at her eyes, with the tissue in her hand, she blew a kiss in my direction, as she started to cry again. I gave her a small smile as I walked past her, feeling my own tears start to well. My father gave me away once I reached the altar, kissing my cheek softly before sitting beside my teary-eyed mother. I passed my bouquet to my maid of honour, who is also my best friend, as my husband-to-be took my trembling hands in his.

The priest began the ceremony as my love whispered 'the beginning of our future.' Our vows were simple, but effective, and that's all we could have asked for. I still felt the sparks in our first kiss as husband and wife as I did when we were in high school. Our first dance was to the song we called our own, the duet we used to sing together, we sang as we danced.

But I didn't realise that by making a simple mistake, I could lose everything. How one day-ruining thing could change your outlook on the most innocent thing. If I could go back and fix it, I would do everything in my power to stop that from happening, because in the blink of an eye, you could lose the person who was your everything... You regret it every time you see them, and it still hurts years later, because if you lose everything, you'll be left with nothing....

A/N: Hey guys, I have the next actual chapter ready to upload very soon, just some minor fixes and we're good to go. But really quick, this was an assignment from my Creative Writing teacher. We had to get an idea from one of our teachers on the day they'd never forget and then create a short story on it. So I chose the idea of a wedding, but I put a personal experience in here... Let me know what you think! :D

Love you all -Chi xx

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