Harry - Asthma Attack

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Harry's POV

"Harry! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" 

I hear Liam shouting at me from downstairs, as I run around trying to pack my bag for the tour. 

"One second! I'm almost finished!" I throw one last pair of boots in my suitcase and zip it up. I grab my duffel bag and close my bedroom door on the way out. 

The house is a mess. Niall's clothes are strewn from one end of the hall to the other, Louis' shoes and belongings are all over the stairs, Liam looks frantic as he tries to find his house keys and Zayn is standing lazily in the kitchen glued to his phone, oblivious to the entire situation.

"Liam," I call out, "Are you ready? What are these other idiots doing?" I laugh, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't honestly know, Haz," Liam replies, taking a short breath, "But can you help me load the car, please?" 

I nod and move towards the front door with mine and Louis' luggage cradled in my arms, Liam moving to grab his and Zayn's. 

"Niall, grab your shit and put it in the car!" Liam says angrily, walking out the front door. 

I hear Niall groan and I chuckle to myself as I join Liam and load my armful of bags into the trailer. 

10 minutes later and all of us are crammed into the car, squishing into each other as we travel towards the airport. We're starting our On The Road Again Tour tomorrow. It's currently 6am and we are heading to Australia. We've been rehearsing for months now, and we can't wait to actually put on this show for our fans across the world. We're touring for just over 6 months, and it's planned to be the biggest tour of our careers.

As we approach the airport, I start to feel tight in my chest. I'm not worried about it too much as this happens sometimes when I get nervous. As the car pulls up outside the departure gate, I grab my bags out of the car and make my way inside the airport, ignoring the paparazzi's cameras blinding me. 

Liam's POV

"This is yours," I say, throwing Louis his backpack, "this is yours, and this, is yours," I say, throwing the last of the stuff in the trunk of the car to Niall, who just groans and picks up his bags that I've tossed towards him hurriedly. 

"Why do I have the most stuff to carry?" Niall whines, shouldering his way through the paparazzi and their cameras.

"Because, Niall, you struggle to pack lightly, unlike the rest of us," Louis retorts.

"Whatever. Oi, do you think we can get food? I'm starving," says Niall, almost running into Zayn.

"What do you think you're doing, Niall?" Zayn mutters grumpily, moving to stand next to Harry, who is puffing like he's out of breath.

"Look, never mind that, Niall, we'll get you something on the plane." Niall looks at me and huffs like a child and I just roll my eyes.  I move towards Harry, he looks up at me, panting like a dog. "You okay, mate?" I ask, full of worry. This couldn't be a worse time for someone to be getting sick.

"I don't know, Liam, I can hardly breathe, yet I haven't done anything. I don't know what's wrong with me." Harry says shakily. I offer to go and grab him some water, but he politely declines and instead suggests we should check-in and wait to board our plane, insisting that he will be fine. 

Harry's POV

As we step onto our plane, I take my usual seat, still struggling to breathe. I pull my asthma inhaler out of my bag, hoping to steady my breathing. With a few puffs, my breathing returns back to semi-normal and I decide to participate in some activities to pass the time on our way to Australia. 

"Go away Zayn! Why are you trying to kill me?!" I hear Louis exclaim from the front of the plane, clearly someone is losing in their video game. 

"Louis you idiot! I'm playing on the other team!" Zayn replies, laughing hysterically. Louis flips him off and pouts, like the man child that he is. 

"Okay, children, settle down, "says Liam," I'm sure there's something else we can do that doesn't involve screaming at each other"

"You're going down, Payno!" Shouts Louis, pausing the game and literally tackling poor Liam to the ground. Zayn gets up and walks away, probably to go and find Niall. I decide I'll leave LiLO to wrestling and try and have a nap. 

*a few hours later*

I wake up in a fit of coughs. My breathing has become staggered again and the pain in my chest has become worse. I sit up from where I have been laying and try to stand up. I cough some more and start to feel dizzy, before collapsing to the ground in a spluttering heap, trying to catch my breath. 

Zayn's POV

I'm finishing my last painting when I hear this almighty thud. I pull back the curtain separating my cabin from the main one, to find Harry on his knees, hyperventilating, coughing and clutching his chest all at the same time. I rush to his side and comfort him, while calling out to Liam. He's better than all of us when it comes to these kinds of situations. 

"Liam! Where are you? Harry's sick, he needs help and I don't know what to do!" No response.

"LIAM! COME HERE!" Still nothing. 

"LIAM! HELP!" Finally, Liam appears, munching on some kind of aeroplane snack. The moment he sees Harry, his eyes widen and he drops to the cabin floor, making his way over to a very sick Harry. 

"How long till landing?" Liam asks the pilot.

"About 15 minutes. You boys need to prepare."

"Harry is having an asthma attack and can't get up, can we stay with him?" Liam asks.

"You need to try and get him into a chair and put his belt on, for safety reasons, sorry lad."

Liam huffs and we try and get Harry back into his seat. He is now becoming red in the face, and tears are streaming down his face. I try and look for his inhaler, but can't seem to find it anywhere. Louis and Niall have appeared now, and we're all sitting around Harry, waiting for landing. 

Harry's POV

As soon as the plane lands, there is an ambulance on standby for me at the airport. They hurry me into the vehicle, Liam by my side, and lay me down on the bed. After a few moments, my breathing is back to normal, thanks to some oxygen, my blood pressure is being taken, and they're monitoring the rhythm of my heart, to keep an eye on me. 

"So, what was happening to me?" I ask one of the paramedics as the other removes my oxygen mask.

"Well Harry, you were having quite a severe asthma attack. Do you know what may have caused this?" The paramedic asks me, clipboard and pen in hand.

"I'm not really sure of the causes, but it was cold this morning, and we were all in a bit of a rush, so I was a bit stressed out..." I admit to the doctor, as they put nasal prongs in my nose for more oxygen. 

"There you have it. Cold air and stress are main factors of asthma attacks. I'm going to give you a prescription for a reliever, as well as a preventer, so you can tackle your asthma when you feel it flaring up again," the paramedic tells me, "in the mean time, please try and keep your stress levels as low as you can, and stay warm. We'll keep you here at the hospital for a few hours, just to monitor you, but you should be free to go later on." I thank the paramedic as he wheels me inside the hospital on a stretcher. Liam calls the others and they all arrive as fast as they can. That night I am released, with promises of keeping on top of my asthma, and with four watchful mates. 


Hi everyone, it's been a while. I know I said I was going to be updating more regularly, but to be honest, I totally forgot about Wattpad. I'm hoping someone/anyone is still around to support me and my works, as I have decided to keep it up and running this time, as I have really missed writing, and missed all of you. I hope you enjoy this chapter that has been 2 years in the making - sorry about that, and I'll be back soon. I love you all. 

-Chi xx

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