Niall - Dizzy spells/fainting.

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(This is the first of its kind. I hope you enjoy this one! I've certainly enjoyed writing it!)

Requested by PRangers596 :)

Harry's POV

Niall's been really quiet this whole drive, everyone else is making conversation, and Paul is even throwing in comments here and there from the drivers seat... But Niall, no. He's sitting here, staring vaguely out of the windows, not saying a word, if we mention him, or try to speak, he'll turn to us, shrug his shoulders and go back to his window. He's been off for the past couple of days, but no one knows why... He wont even eat much these days.

"Niall?" I question, tapping the Irish lad. I receive no response, yet again, but he turns to look at me.

"Hm?" Niall hums, blinking his blue eyes.

"What's up mate?" I whisper slowly, "I'm here for a chat. How about, when we get to the hotel, we'll all get settled in and then have a chat?" Niall looked at me for a second, before sending me a small smile and nodding his head, his blonde hair bouncing a little. I smiled to myself, proud that I finally got Niall to show some sign of happiness.

*one car ride later*

We all get out of the car at the famous MGM Grand in Las Vegas. I follow Niall in the back entrance, in the elevator and up to our rooms, Liam and Louis are already inside, and Paul is outside our door, key card in hand.

"Hi boys," Paul says, happily, "bags are in your room and there's two separate beds this time." he says, chuckling. I laugh at him and even Niall smiles. I thank him and grab the key cards, passing one to Niall, as I enter the now unlocked hotel room.

"Alright... Sit down, tell me what's on your mind..." I say to Niall. He takes 3 steps towards me before stopping dead in his tracks, clutching his head. "Niall.... Stay still. Don't move." I speak, standing up from the couch, when I reach Niall, he moves his head away from his hands, his eyes darting everywhere around the room. In a blink of an eye, he's falling towards me. My own eyes widen as I reach out to catch him, before he hits the carpeted floor.

No one's POV

Harry managed to catch Niall just in time, his lanky torso falling on the ground, Niall on top of him. He picked up Niall, stood up himself and laid Niall on the couch, propping his head up with a pillow. Harry then began screaming for help at the top of his lungs.

"LOUIS! LIAM! PAUL! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! HEEEEELP!" Harry screamed for what felt like forever, but was only a few seconds in reality. Soon enough, Paul burst through the door, followed quickly by Louis and Liam.

"Harry, son, why are you screaming?" Asked a baffled Paul.

"Niall just passed out in my arms! I don't know what's wrong, just help him... P-please..." Harry cut himself off, bursting into tears. Liam went over to calm the young lad, whilst Louis helped Paul figure out how to tend to Niall.

"Shh...." Liam cooed, trying to soothe a still crying Harry.

"I'm so worried about him Liam... I didn't know what was wrong and I-I just wanted-d to t-talk to h-him and now l-look at him..." Harry wailed, rocking back and forth on the ground. "I feel like it's all m-my fault"

"Awww Haz.... It's not your fault. Niall's just been off lately, it's not yours, nor anyone's fault." Liam said, arms around the fragile boy. Harry continued to cry, as Louis was frantically running around the hotel, trying to find someone who just might be able to help.

Louis' POV
"Help me! Somebody! Please?" I screamed, running around our floor of the hotel. I was hoping to find a nurse, or doctor, someone who knew what they were doing.

"Sir... Why are you running around up here?" I stopped in my tracks at the sound of a gruff voice, the American accept ringing through my ears. I turned around and saw a tall, burley man. He had piercing blue eyes and I only stood to his tie clip..... Man I was short.

"I-I'm sorry sir..." I stuttered, "my bandmate fainted in our hotel room and I was trying to find someone who could help him..." I looked up at the giant man and he smiled at me.

"I may be able to help, I'm a surgeon, but let's see how we go?" I nodded eagerly and grinned at the man, leading the way back to Harry and Niall's room. Once inside, the large man walked over to Paul and began assisting him in helping to save our little Irish bread. I don't know why the fans call him that, they come up with some strange things.... Anyway, I looked over to Haz and Liam, and Harry, thankfully, looked noticeably calmer. Paul and the surgeon were now helping Niall sit up slowly and I took it upon myself to go and get glasses of water from the kitchen; one for Niall and one for H. On my way back, I passed a glass to Harry, and gave him a small smile, before walking to the couch and sitting beside Niall, who curled up and put his head on my shoulder. I grunted before shifting to a more comfortable position and setting the glass on the coffee table.

"Thank you, sir. And a massive thanks to you Paul." I smiled at the two men as Liam and Harry approached us, Harry sitting beside me and Liam on the other side of Niall.

"It was no problem Lou, that's what I'm here for, after all." Replied Paul, who winked at me cheekily.

"And please, call me Aaron." Said the surgeon; Aaron. "It was nothing."

The two men bid us goodbye and Niall removed his head from my shoulder, sitting up and leaning his head against the back of the couch.

"Boys," Niall spoke, "I'm so sorry for what happened. I've been having dizzy spells for the past week and I didn't know what was causing them..." Niall paused for a minute, tears brimming his baby blue eyes. "I-I'm so s-sorry for s-sca-aring you, H. I didn't-t know-w what to d-do...." Niall burst into tears, cuddling himself into my shoulder, I rubbed his back and held him as he cried.

"Hey, buddy, it's okay," came Liam's soft voice, "the important thing is that you're okay now. We'll have Paul run to the store, to get you some relief, and make sure you drink a lot of water."

That afternoon, Niall was wrapped up in blankets, lying across all of us on the couch, asleep. While the rest of us lads played FIFA on the PlayStation. We also promised to take care of Niall for the next week, because after all; we all need a little TLC once in a while.

A/N: Hiii! How are you guys? Good? Good. Anyway, I'm so sorry I didn't live up to my promise of updating like a month and a half ago. School is hell, my English/History teacher loves assigning homework and I've been bra-deep in homework since school started again. So! I hope you've all had/will have a Happy Easter and that you get fat on loads of chocolate. ;). I love this chapter so much and I hope it's what you wanted!!!

Love you all - Chi xx

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