Niall - Food Poisoning

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A/N: Hey! Just a quick authors note, I wanted to try something new, so I am deciding to make this particular part in text form. Please bear in mind, (pun intended) that this will be my first shot writing in mild text form, so if it's a bit messy, I'm sorry. I really hope you like it anyway and I may perhaps do some more in text form if it goes well. Please comment what you think.

Love you all. - Chi x

Niall's POV

Liam *Niall, mate, get out of bed. It's 3pm, you haven't made an appearance all day, please don't make me come and drag you out.*

Louis *Oi, Irish. Where are you lad? You're not answering the knocks to your bedroom door or your phone.  Harry was meditating earlier and it's hard for me to play FIFA with Liam pacing in front of the telly!*

Harry *Jesus Christ, Niall... Come out of your room already you honestly must be starving if you haven't eaten all day. I miss your hugs, I'm even missing your accent. Please come out man, we're all worried about you.*

Niall: Start new group message with: Louis, Liam, Harry. *Boys, I'm sorry to worry you, but I'm lying in bed, clutching my stomach, typing this with one hand. I feel awful. My door is now unlocked if you boys want to say 'HI!' I don't know if I ca-*

I lurched for the bin beside my bed as I pressed send. My body heaved and shook with every move I made, all I could taste was blood instead of food. This is officially the worst case of  Gastro I've ever had. After I'd finished chucking blood, I flopped back down in my bed and rolled over, into the same position as before. Truthfully, I'm so hungry, I don't want to eat though, like even the smell is making me feel worse. I really should close my window. We open tonight at the O2 and I don't know if I can make it. I've thrown up 5 times in the past half hour and it's been blood.

*group conversation*

Liam *Well, this is interesting, yeah lads?*

Harry *I wonder why it cut off when he hit send. His bedroom door is unlocked apparently but I tried earlier and it was locked...*

Louis *Maybe it's nothing serious... He could just have a bit of flu. You know, the usual, sore throat, not hungry... That sort of thing.*

Harry *I might go and try one more time, just to be safe, last thing we want is for him to miss the show.*

Louis *Oh for God's sakes Harry... Just be quick, yeah?*

Harry *Yes, mum. I will.*

Liam *Go Harry...*

Harry *Okay! Fine! I'm going, I'm going.*

Harry's POV

I walked up the stairs with my gold boots clicking behind me. I gently tapped on Niall's bedroom door, only hearing some weak groans in response. I wrapped my long fingers around the handle and to my surprise, it was actually unlocked for the first time today. I took one look and Niall and my face fell at the sight. He was so pale, his hair was matted and everywhere and he looked so distant. He was clutching his stomach and trembling, he had no blankets covering him and his body was curled up in the middle of his bed. I rushed over to him and knelt beside his bed. I put my hand gently on his bicep and he winced at my touch, his skin was really hot. I drew my hand back and messaged the boys in the other room.

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