Niall - BSM

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You're little and Niall is left to be your babysitter.

"C'mon, princess! Hurry up, we need to get going." Niall heard you giggle as he packed  some bags to take you to the beach. It was your birthday in a couple of days and your mum and dad had gone to buy you some presents, so they left Niall at home to babysit you. You were incredibly excited and running around the house, you were currently hiding under your bed, trying to make Niall come and find you. Niall left a long time ago and he didn't come home until about a week ago and you were so happy to see him that you haven't left his side since. You were too little to know, but Niall was going on world tours, you knew he was in a band but that was it. Niall grabbed the bag off of the kitchen island and walked up the stairs into your room.

"Y/N, come on! I wanna get going. It takes a bit to get there!" Niall said as he entered your room, you wiggled further under your bed, towards the back and tried to hold in your giggles. You failed miserably and soon Niall was crouching under your bed, scooping you up and getting you out.

"Ready now?" He asked, a grin covering his face. You nodded quickly, Niall put you down and you started running again, this time towards Niall's Land Rover. Once he strapped you in your car seat, he backed out onto the road, looking in his mirrors at you every chance he got.

"Ni, how long?" You asked, playing with your feet.

"Not long, bug. Not far away now." He said, glancing at you in the mirror, smiling at you. You giggled and watched out the window as everything passed by. Niall turned into a low gravel road, the car vibrating underneath you, making you giggle some more. He parked the car not too far from the beach and came to you, unbuckling your belt and helping you out of the car, grabbing the gear as well. He grasped your tiny hand in his large one and you walked hand in hand to the change rooms.

"Can you change on your own, bug?" He asked, holding your swimsuit out for you. You nodded and walked past Niall into the large cubicle, locking the door. Niall stood outside, waiting in case you needed help. As if on cue, you called out to Niall.

"Ni!!!!!" You wailed, stomping your foot and pouting. You walked over to the door and unlocked it so Niall could come in.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked, kneeling down so he was level with your height.

"This thingy," you looked at the strap on your shoulder and poked at it, still pouting, "is all tight and twisted." you finished, scrunching up your nose adorably. Niall chuckled a little and untwisted the strap, also straightening it so it wasn't so tight anymore.

"There you go, baby. Can you wait outside? Right near the door while I change really quick?" You nodded your little head and bounded towards the door, holding onto the handle tightly. Niall unlocked the door a few minutes later, carrying a bag filled with yours and his clothes. He grabbed your tiny hand in his again and off you went to the beach, swinging your hands back and forth. Once you had set up your little spot on the beach, you and Niall had a race to see who could get into the water first, Niall let you win, so you could be happy, but you thought Niall 'cheated' because he ran so slow. You splashed around in the water for a while before Niall came over to give you a cuddle and you squealed and ran. You struggled a bit trying to run through the water, but once you managed, you kept going. You looked behind you to try and see Niall, but because you weren't watching where you were running, you fell over. You had scraped your shin really badly and you were crying and screaming. Out of no where, Niall picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the towels. He pulled the first aid kit from one of the bags and began to clean your wound, finishing off with a pretty pink bandage.

"Aw baby... Are you okay now?" You sniffled a bit and climbed into Niall's lap, cuddling into his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around you, so you felt secure and held you for a bit. When your tears wouldn't stop falling, he wiped them away with the pad of his large thumb and kissed your hair softly until you had calmed down.

"Do you think you can walk, princess?" He asked you, moving you off of his lap, gently. You shook your head no and Niall sighed.

"Okay, let me pack this stuff up and I'll take you to see Aunty Jay so she can look at your owwie a bit better and Louis will be there too. Okay?" You nodded and sat patiently with your towel wrapped around you as you watched your big brother pack everything back into the bags again. He smiled at you and you smiled back. Once Niall was finished, he picked you up and carried you back to the car. Once he strapped you back in and everything was in place, you started to cry again.

"Bug? What's the matter? Why you cryin'?" Niall asked, leaning over the seat to see you better.

"I sowwy Ni, I stopped our fun." You pouted, tears still falling. Niall wiped them away again, cooing at you as you calmed down for the second time today. He kissed your forehead softly and then your nose, making you giggle. He turned around and started the car, starting the long trip back into London to see Jay and Louis. When Niall pulled up, he unbuckled you straight away and you accepted happily, Jay let you both inside and he filled Jay in on what happened. Louis came out not long later and he picked you up, spinning you around in his arms. Jay told him to sit with you on his lap in front of the mirror so she could fix your legs and he agreed. You didn't cry the whole time thanks to Louis because he pulled funny faces in the mirror and talked to you the whole time. Niall came back with lunch just as Jay was putting the pink bandage back on your leg. You slept over at Louis' that night and he made sure to take care of you, just like he promised Niall.

A/N: HIIII GUYS!! How are you all? Good, good. I'm so sorry! I was going to have this up earlier today but Wattpad glitched and it logged me out and I lost everything, so I had to re-write it. I'm much happier with this one, it's more to the point. So yeah! I'm also super dooper sorry that I haven't updated in so long but finally! Here we are! Oh, and Jay and Louis made an appearance, how lovely. Now, because I have reached 5K with reads, I'm gonna play a little game and whoever wins, will get the dedication on the next chapter! :D So I'm gonna say 3 quotes from the last 5 years of 1D (including x-factor) and who ever guesses who says all 3 will win! So here we go...

"My worst habit, is getting naked all the time..."


"What's weird about that James?..."

Okay! Goodbye for now and good luck!

Love you all! -Chi xx

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