My feet were starting to throbbed by all the walking I’ve doing for the last hour. And the pain in my shoulder was increasing. I couldn’t take the darkness anymore. The moon help, but I still needed to see more, so I activated my night vision. Werewolves could see in the dark if they want too.

Everything looked so clearer and sharper when I activated my night vision. I could see everything and my senses became better than they were before and kept looking for Daniel.

Minutes later, I heard the crunching of leaves behind and once the scent hit me I knew it was Daniel. I turned around and growled at him. He looked so calm and collected, but his eyes were a glowing cerulean blue with darker specks mixed with the cerulean blue. I knew my eyes were glowing too, but mine were a glowing dark green with dark amber specks.

“Where the hell where you damn it? I was worried sick!” I shouted at him.

“You were worry about me darling? Is great to know you still care.” He replied huskily. He respond shook me to the edge and I growled at him.

“You’re not taking this seriously Daniel! You left without saying anything and I was worried! What the hell were you doing?” I asked him.

“Just so you know darling, I was chasing the asshole that woke up from the slumber I put him but he crossed the border and I couldn’t catch him.” He growled back at me and grabbed by my bad arm, the one connected to my bad shoulder and pulled me to him, lifting my chin so he could look at me in the eyes.

The pull he did to my arm brought tears to my eyes and I let out a whimper. The pain intensified by the second and I thought my arm would fall off. I felt like something was burning my arm and I couldn’t help but clamped my teeth together, trying to keep the scream I wanted to let out inside of me.

He must have notice what he had done, that the anger in his eyes totally banished and was replace with regret and worry.

“Darling I’m sorry, are you ok? Let me see.” He cooed softly and I buried my face in to his neck. I didn’t him to see me in a vulnerable moment. It made me feel well… weak.

“Just put it back the way is supposed to be Daniel, please.” I whispered hoarsely and tried to stop crying.

He made the both of us sit on the ground and put one of his on my shoulder and the other one a little higher, closer to my neck.

“Okay darling on the count of three. One, two, three” He said quickly and I almost didn’t hear the popping sound my shoulder did by the pain that clouded my mind. The pain that came was horrifying and burned, a lot. I couldn’t help but let a loud cry and I felt the tears coming fast and there was no stopping them. Just because werewolves heal faster did not meant it didn’t hurt. It hurt like to a normal human would but the healing was a lot faster and the pain could be gone faster, too.

After a while my tears stopped and my breathing relaxed. I felt so tired, today has happened a lot to me. Just thinking about the events that happen was giving me a small headache. Daniel was brushing his hand up and down my back, cradling me against him and the warmth of his body made his way to mine. He was like a big blanket, only he was neither fluffy or soft, but hard and rough. I snuggle deeper in to his embrace and he growl in approval. I was going to start fighting with him, but thought better. This was no time to start a fight, maybe later.

Fighter (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora