"I'm still not one hundred so that's a no go."

"What you mean?" I looked at her.

"Its nothing." She shook her head. "Kenya put frankie back in his carrier please, time to go visit grandma." She said changing the topic.

Kenya picked up her turtle and put him back before coming over to us to let Keira sanitize her hands.

"Hey sis." Nita hugged her.

"Hey love, you look tired."

"Just a little jet lagged." She gave a little smile.

I knew it was more than just get being jet lagged. Ashley hadn't called since the night I cussed her out and I was happy about that.

"Oh ok well you know you can sleep as soon as you reach by mommy. I still don't see why y'all never want to stay at my place."

"Because you and Aug nasty and don't know how to keep shit quite." I said blatantly.

"Shut up!" She said as she lifted Kenya putting her in her car seat.

"Frankie, Frankie!!!" She began to whine.

"Little girl!" Keira glared at her before giving her Frankie.

Getting in, we left heading to our mother's spot.

"Where Aug at?" I asked.


"He putting in that work huh."

"Yep." She nodded and smiled.

Looking at her side profile my eyes fell on her ring finger and that shit just blew me.

"Whoa!! That's the ring!"

"Mhmm."she nodded trying to hold back her smile.

"Hide that thing before Nita sees it and decides she wants an upgrade." I looked back at Nita who seemed to be sleeping.

"Shut up Kevin!" She spoke with her eyes still closed.

"Better not get any ideas."

"Nita just ignore him."

"Oh I am. I love my rings."

"Exactly. Plus its not even about the size. I would have been happy if it was smaller anyway." She shrugged

"That's what y'all say, then when a high a comes with something small y'all bout ready to laugh."

"Not all of us are ungrateful gold diggers Kevin."

"Yea not all of us are Ashley."

When I heard that I glanced at her in the review same time Keira looked over at me.

Not too long after we pulled up at our moms spot. YaYa was asleep so instead of taking her out of the car seat, Kei took out the seat itself and unfolded it into a stroller.

"Remind me to take that from you when we have ours." I smirked before going to get our bags.

"Take?" She looked at me. "You mean buy."

"No I mean Take. T-A-K-E!"

She narrowed her eyes at me as we walked in.


"Jesus Christ Kevin! Do you not see my child sleeping." Keira smacked me behind my head.

"Is that my son's loud mouth I hear!"

"Your favorite son, yea!" I smiled as we hugged.

"You're not my favorite son Kevin."

"Momma I'm your only son, so of course I'm your fave."

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