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Tyler died many times during his childhood

The first time he died it was when his brother was born

All his parents' attention got turned away from him

He hated his brother

And wanted nothing else than to get rid of him

Zack was a gross little baby

Who did nothing else than cry for Mammy

The second time he died it was when Josh left him for the first time

It was probably the most painful death

For it was so emotional

Tyler was crying

And Josh left him alone

It was when Tyler had finally gotten the courage to tell Josh about the scattered thoughts

The ones that no one else understood

Tyler had hoped that Josh would understand

But when Tyler told him he saw things and heard things and believed things that weren't existing

Josh shook his head

And told Tyler he was a freak

And Tyler got left alone for months

If he didn't have Josh he had no one

He had no one to talk to

So he talked to himself

And he talked to the shadows

And he talked to his dolls

And he talked to the trees

And they talked back

Finally he no longer needed Josh

He needed no one

He had new friends

They were more interesting

He might be a lone wolf

But that was okay

The third time he died

It was because of Johnny

The boy with curly blonde hair

And golden skin

He and his friends were teasing him

Every day in school

And every night in Tyler's dreams

His nightmares got so bad

So Tyler stopped sleeping

One day he got enough

Johnny and his friends could no longer bully or annoy him

So Tyler decided

To let them win

Because if they won,

They wouldn't bother him anymore

"You're so weak, Misty-eyed. No one likes you! You're so lonely! No one wants to be your friend because you're nothing else than a freak!"

"You're totally right"

After he had said that,

Tyler had punched Johnny's nose

Just for the sake of it

The schoolyard was covered in blood

Tyler had ran away

Into the deep forest

And he met Blurryface

And he never returned to school

And everyone believed he had killed himself

Rumors were spread

"He hanged himself in a tree"

"He slashed his wrists with a sharp stick"

"He drowned himself in the deep lake in the woods"

"His ghost is haunting the forest"

And Tyler kept quiet

If he was assumably dead,

They wouldn't tease him anymore

Josh was the one who found him passed out in the forest

When Blurryface was long gone

He had taken care of him

And they became friends again

"I'm also a freak but it's alright"

Together they built a treehouse

It was built out of sadness, despair, purposelessness and blue

Everything was blue

Tyler was blue at this moment

But he was already becoming more red

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