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Tyler was gone

Hidden and disappeared

Forever did she look for him

But to no success

She looked in the corridor

Under all the tables

Under the covers

Inside of the huge closets

And behind every door

One door was locked

A baby inside was crying

A lady inside was hushing it

"Shhh, Zack, don't you cry. Nanny is here to comfort you"

Melanie wanted to know who Zack was

She wondered that when she walked outside

The back door was creaking when she'd opened it

The garden was huge

Like a forest

Like a rainforest

Trees and bushes and flowers

Everything was green

She couldn't see the end of it

The only things heard were her steps and the mockingbirds singing

Melanie saw a toy laying on the grass

She picked it up and it was a lullaby player

A music box

Melanie played it

A soft and sweet melody

It was calming yet tragic

And someone grabbed her back


Melanie's scream was high pitched and drenched with horror

Tyler laughed

The laugh was lively and thrilling

Melanie's heart was beating fast

And she turned around to face him

"You scared me"

"I know"

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