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"God exists"

Tyler said, as if it was the most obvious thing

"He's with us right now"

Melanie didn't listen, she barely even could listen

Her body was changing

Also her vision and the rest of her senses

Oh how magnificent her own hands were

She did nothing else than stare at them for what felt like hours

Their depths, their peculiarity

Melanie could see the pores, the cells, the blood vessels

The walls spoke, told her things she didn't really want to hear

When she looked at the walls,

They seemed to move

She watched the strange swifting pattern

It changed to swirling colors, reds, blues and yellows

Melanie wanted to tell Tyler how beautiful it all was

But when she spun her head around,

She couldn't see him

She tried calling his name

But out from her mouth came dribbling honey

Her words came out soggy and tasting of color

She tried to stand up but her walk was similar to a dance

She saw Tyler standing up by the treehouse's door

She embraced him and he turned around to look at her

She heard a laugh

It was bubbly, hysterical, wild

Melanie started laughing as well

So much she fell down

She felt so terrible, so uneasy, but still so, so free

All her worries were gone

Never in her life had she felt so happy

She was flying, she was the queen of the world, she knew the answer to every question

It was an amazing feeling

All thanks to Tyler

She loved him so much

For giving her happiness

And everything was under control

Everything was amazing

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