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Their eyes met

And so he smiled adorably


He made his way directly to Melanie's bench

The "cool kids" got more and more silent as he approached

The smile turned into a smirk

And so he stepped up on the bench without hesitation

He stood on top of the bench

The whole schoolyard got quiet

The silence was sickening

Tyler broke it

"I got tired of waiting for you to come home"

"You get tired easily" Melanie heard herself say

People were looking at her

Surprised she had spoken

Another boy showed up right beside her

She looked up and his hair was blue like the sky right before sunrise

Tiny smile, also dressed in black

"This is Josh" Tyler said, not bothered at all by everyone's gazes

"Hi Josh" Melanie said, shaking his hand

Josh said nothing, but was still smiling slightly, like he was shy

"Crybaby, who's this?"

"Yeah, who is that?"

"I wanna know too!"

"He doesn't even go here!"

Tyler rolled his eyes and stepped off the bench easily

"I wanna play some basketball"

Melanie went up and ran after him

He got to the basketball area

One of the tough guys shot him a ball

"Show what you've got, newbie. No pressure, everyone's watching"

Quiet mumbles

Tyler backed with the basketball

Very far

Miles, miles, miles

Melanie's pulse was raised

He would never make it

He raised his ball

Time stood still when he shot it

And so it went through the loop

Everyone cheered

The tough guy had his arms crossed

Too confident to admit he was impressed

Tyler made no expression as the ball hit the asphalt and bounced up and down

He didn't show any pride

"So you think you're so great, huh?"

Melanie turned around to see a boy with eyebrows that made him look cocky

"You think you can do anything, huh? So brave, huh?"

Melanie wanted to tell the boy to stop, but was too shy

"I dare to do anything"

"Bet you don't dare to climb up the school's roof? No one does"

Tyler scoffed "I told you I dare to do anything"

"Prove it then, punk"

Tyler turned around and walked determindedly towards the school's building

Was he actually about to do it?

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