Melanie flickered with her gaze, but didn't interrupt him

"They told me I'm weak. I cried over the smallest of things. I used to have a lot of feelings, and they had to come out in some way"

"You used to?"

Tyler chuckled "Have I ever been acting emotional around you?"

Melanie smiled and shook her head

"Not really"

Tyler touched his band-aids on his palms "For years I've practiced to stop crying. I've become more red. I've put up fronts so the world can't see how vulnerable I actually am."

"So instead you're bitter and angry?"

Tyler pulled himself up from the ground, and brushed off some dirt

Melanie did the same

He didn't answer her question, but told her something else

"Do you know why I feel so attracted to you?"

Melanie started smiling, her cheeks blushing

"Why?" she giggled

"You understand me"


"They called me mr. Misty-eyed. And they call you Crybaby. We're connected in that way. We don't fit in the norms, we're not what people expect us to be"


Tyler shrugged

"Freaks?" Melanie instead asked "We're freaks, right?"

"Maybe. We're just . . . not like them. Not like everyone else. And that's good"

"How is it good not to be like everyone else? How can it be positive to not be normal?"

"We're not normal to them. But we don't have to be. We make our own kind of normal. I think I'm normal, and I think you're normal too. Though, I'm the only one who thinks that . . ."

Melanie suddenly reached her hand out to touch Tyler's cheek

He flinched at first, but quickly touched her back

"You're normal to me, Tyler"

His skin felt delicate under her fingertips, like cotton

Melanie took a step towards him, and their breaths got heavier

Tyler had never really wrapped his arms around Melanie's waist like this

But right now it felt just right

Tyler pulled away some of Melanie's hair from her face

They studied each other for a while

Tyler's eyes were bright

Sickeningly sweet

Like honey

Melanie drowned

The honey in his eyes seemed to catch Melanie like glue

Even how hard she'd try, she'd never succeed to get out of that honey glue

As if she'd ever want to

Tyler licked his lips and kissed Melanie on the mouth

The kiss was sweeter than all the honey in the world

And they kissed for longer than what was appropriate

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