Chapter 16 - This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy!!

Start from the beginning

I suddenly felt really guilty.

- I didn't mean to upset him.

- I know you didn't . . . but you did. Go apologise.

- But he started it!

- Come on! Stop being so childish.

- No!

A sudden, loud sob racked through Aaron, shaking his body.

"Fine!" I muttered quietly.

"Aaron?" I called, louder this time so he could hear it. He made no reply. I slid off the bed, and made my way over to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, turning him to face me. His eyes were on the floor, making his hair flop forward and hide his eyes. "Aaron? I'm sorry, okay?"

Suddenly, his eyes left the floor, and shot up to look into mine. His grin was back, and his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Got you!" he yelled, before he started running . . . my hand made contact with the air in which he had been stood just a spilt second before. I ran after him, wanting revenge.

"Get back here you coward!" I shouted after him. "Come and face me like a man!"

The apartment was fairly small, so there wasn't really enough space for him to run away from me. Even if there was, I knew I was faster than him. But he did have an advantage . . . he knew his way around the apartment . . . and I didn't. I just had to hope he didn't decide to hide in an unexpected place.

I was behind him and about to pounce on his back, when he made a sudden turn and ducked into a room, leaving me skidding to a halt. I tiptoed towards the open door, not making a single noise, and burst into it, kicking the door to make a BANG in the process.

"GOT YOU!!" I yelled.

Standing in the doorway, I couldn't see him . . . he was nowhere in sight. I growled to myself.

- I cant believe he's hiding away from me. He's <I>so</I> immature!

- Like you're any better. You're <I>worse</I>

- Yeah right!

- It's true.

- . . .

"You can't hide forever Aaron," I said, treading cautiously into the room, prepared for an attack. "It will be better for you if you come out quietly." I was answered by silence. I couldn't hear a single sound . . . movement . . . breathing . . . not even his heartbeat. Normally I would have been able to pinpoint a persons exact location . . . just by listening. My hearing was so good that I <I>could</I> hear their breathing, and even their heartbeat. But Aaron . . . I couldn't hear a thing. It was like there was nobody in the room . . . like it was empty. If I didn't see him come in here with my own eyes I would swear it <I>was</I> empty. I took a look around the room, looking for any clues.

It was a kitchen . . . a large glossy black oven and stove, sink, microwave, fridge, freezer and cupboards and white granite work surfaces. The floor was covered in white tiles, and was exceptionally clean. There was nowhere in the room for Aaron to hide, unless that is he had hidden in one of the cupboards, which I somehow doubted. They were too small for a big guy like Aaron to fit in . . .<I>I</I> would only just fit in them.

- Hang on! There's an idea!

- It just might work.

- <I>Might!?</I> I'm offended that you don't have faith in me.

- Just shut up and do it.

I let a large grin spread across my face. This was going to be fun! Moving silently, I crept across to one of the cupboards and climbed into it. I was expecting to have to move some things to the side, but the cupboard was surprisingly bare, so there was no need. Leaving the door slightly ajar, I started my lookout.

This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy now!!!Where stories live. Discover now