Chapter 16 - This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy!!

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Right, so school was closed today due to the snow. It was 7 inches deep last time I checked, and it's still snowing!! I have a feeling there's no school tomorrow either =D Anyway, there was no school today, so I had time to write this =D

. . . I hope the school is shut the rest of this week . . . and if not, on Friday at least . . . that way, I don't have any lessons that day, so I don't have to go to my Spanish lesson, so I don't have to do my Spanish speaking exam =D That reminds me, I still need to write it out and learn it . . . grrrr.

I kind of got bored of writing half way through it, so I went outside and played in the SNOW!! We made a makeshift sledge out of an old baby swing . . . you know the ones with the straps that you push babies on?? Well it kind of didn't work. Lol. I came back inside, and wrote the rest of this completely drenched. There's a wet patch on the couch where I was sat!! Lol!!! Oh, and there's no school tomorrow either, so I'll try to write some more then =D

Ah well, I'm going to let you read now =D hope you enjoy.

From a randomly hyper me,




<B></U>This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother . . . A voice talking in my head . . . Just give me the list, and sign me up as crazy now!!</U></B>

Recap . . .

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders again, almost as an impulse. It seemed almost natural to him . . . like he didn't even have to think about it.

"Ok. I'm sorry for even mentioning it. Forgive me?" he asked.

I twisted slightly in his arms and looked into his eyes. There was no doubting the sincerity and honesty in them.

"Always," I said.

<B><U>Chapter 16</U></B>

Lexies POV

I sighed, and leaned against him. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. These past few days had been the most eventful days I had had in a while.

- Eventful, but exciting too.

- Yes, exciting too.

After a while Aaron shuffled next to me, before jumping off the bed. I squinted up at him, but he just grinned.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

His grin spread further across his face.

"Nothing . . ." he said evasively. Amusement twinkled in his eyes, and I could tell he was planning something.

"Just spit it out Aaron!" I exclaimed. "Or I may have to resort to drastic measures." I glared up at him, trying to make myself look threatening. By the look on his face, it didn't work. His grin just grew wider . . . any wider and it would be touching his ears.

"Okay. In that case, you might want to take a shower . . . you stink!" and with that, he burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face.

I looked at him astonished. How <I>dare</I> he tell me <I>I</I> stink? He was the one who was smelling out the place. I mean, come <I>on!</I> It smelt like something had died in here.

"I-I stink!" I stuttered. "You honestly think that's <I>me?</I>" It was my turn to grin at him. "No offence, but I think it's <I>you!</I> You stink! Not me!"

"No offence!" Aaron looked hurt. "Well, offence taken!" He turned away so that I couldn't see his face, and I swear I could hear quiet sobs emitting from him.

This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy now!!!Where stories live. Discover now