Homecoming Pt.3: Intro

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I pulled into the driveway and sat there staring at my house quietly, Marcus wasn't expecting me home until tomorrow night but sometime I liked to sneak up and surprise him. I smiled to myself and decided to go in, all the lights were off so I figured everyone was sleep...... good the last thing I needed was my teenage son coming in blocking on me while I was trying to get reacquainted with the love of my life. I walked up the stairs that led to the porch and slowly unlocked the door..... FRONT DOOR, the alarm systems called out loudly' I hurried up and put the code in and slowly moved through the house before I could reach the stairs a light came on in the living room. I turned to see Marcus sitting there smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back damn I really loved this dude, I walked over to him and leaned forward for a kiss but Marcus turned his head.

"Damn what kind of welcome home is that?" I asked laughing quietly.

"How was your trip?" Marcus asked crossing his arms.

"It was coo...... I think I got this kid to flip from Arizona, but another kid told me flat out he was coming to Houston to play ball." I said sitting on the couch next to him. Since retiring I've become a tight end coach/ recruiter for The University of Houston and I can honestly say I loved it..... though Devin and Cam consistently made jokes about being a tight end coach it was worth it, I still got to be around football and got to spend more time with my family so it was a win/win. "How were things with the kids?" I asked looking at Marcus who just rolled his eyes.

"Cori is staying the night with Cam and Liberty, Noah on the other hand....." Marcus said getting quiet. I just shook my head, raising a 13 year was hard enough but having a 13 year who thought the world revolved around him was..... let's just say things between me and Noah were challenging, I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat.

"So what exactly did your son do this time?" I asked with a smirk.

"OUR son....... you know what, why don't you go down to his room and see for yourself? I'm about to go get in bed." Marcus said getting up, but I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Or...... we can just wait until the morning, we've got a lot of catching up to do and I don't feel like hurting him tonight. I mean I've only been gone for a week, what could he have done that was so bad?" I asked kissing Marcus's neck.

"Let me put it to you like this........ I was tempted to call and tell you but this is something you'll have to see for yourself." Marcus said kissing me before walking up the stairs, I sat in the living room mentally preparing myself to deal with whatever trouble Noah had cooked up now before walking to the basement. I walked down the stairs quietly, through the game room, passed the theater and workout room until I came to a door emblazoned with the colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers...... I shook my head and opened the door to find Noah passed out on his bed. I smiled to myself because even though me and him butt heads a lot he was still my world. I walked over to his bed and started messing with his ear.

"Man.... what the fuck?" Noah said turning over in his sleep, him and that mouth of his..... I started messing with him again and this time he sat up and turned the light on next to his bed. "Oh shyt...... I mean what's up dad?" He said I looked at him closely and he realized his mistake but there was no use in hiding it now I've already seen the big ass tattoo that started on his right wrist and went all the up his arm and across his chest. If I wasn't so damn pissed I would've actually took the time to admire it because it looked nice as fuck, but right now I was too mad to care.

"Noah.........." I said balling my fist up, I got up from the bed and moved across the room because I knew I was close to caving his chest in.

"Dad I can explain......." Noah said weakly... instead of waiting for his weak ass excuse I just walked out his room and slammed the door behind me, the longer I stayed in there the closer I was to taking his head off. I walked up to my room and Marcus was laying in bed waiting for me.

"Told you...." Marcus said looking at me, I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. "So what are we going to do?" Marcus asked rubbing my back.

"We're going to strip down to nothing and I'm going to take my anger out on you...... then in the morning we'll deal with Noah." I said kissing Marcus and pushing him down on the bed. A few seconds later me and Marcus were ripping at each other's clothes and we were almost naked when there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Dad? Can I talk to you real quick?" Noah said quietly from the other side of the door, I looked at Marcus and rolled my eyes, the joys of being a parent...............

Homecoming Pt. 3 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt