Chapter 28: Dreams over reality

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A pale blue light flickered through the canopy above me, my dress pooled out on the floor in a giant circle on the floor around me, mucky and in shreds. Right now I felt like Cinderella, only before the infamous bibbity bobbity boo. Wisps of pink fabric from my destroyed gown danced eerily in the dawning light.

Trees rustled nosily around the clearing, the wind directing the flow of falling autumn leaves, each taunting me with the promise of flight. The silence was thundering. I was alone in the unforgiving world of tears, a world of tears, and a world of depression.

Crickets croaked in the background, supplying the ghostly place with its own desolate orchestra, loud and ruthless. The initial shock subsided, before pure and putrid anger coursed through my veins. My wails had diminished with the starry night sky, gone were my pathetic sobs, gone was the peace that wracked my world. In my minds eyes, I could still see the rage in Marcus' cold glare when I had ran away from our doomed future together.

The crack of a twig underfoot brought me back out of my trance. Shea stood high above me, worry marring his expression at the sight of my tear-stained face. He shone out from the various trees that surrounded him in a vague ark like shape. Casually my boyfriend leaned against the trunk of a nearby towering oak. All that mattered was that his smile had the power to light up the suddenly greying world.

Pain vanished at the mere sight of his cute smirk. The green from the emerald grass was reflected into his deep, enticing orbs, barely covering the intense cocoa hint that clouded his alluring irises.

Without words, he reached forward to help my distressed self off the foreboding ground, his palm was soft and feathery to the touch, a relieving contrast to the icy ground. I was dipped into a soul-searing kiss and my head was angled into the crook of his arm, all whilst he gently comforted me with his cooling touch. Oh Shea. He was the boy that managed to sweep me off my very two feet, the one who seemingly understood me in every possible way, the one who stood by me in everything.

From behind the forest came the most delicate whinny, resounding with with a general sense of poise and grace. Savannah held her head up high, all the while, trotting through the windy mass of trees with a sense of practiced precision. She jolted over toward us happily, calming waiting for me to mount.

Inhaling deeply for a second, I allowed Shea to pick me up of the dreary, gloomy ground and onto my pristine pony. Her darkish coat was still able to reflect the sunlight shimmering in the cool autumn weather.

The scene vanished as soon as I got onto my horse. Another ashen strand of light pored onto my face, my happiness was draining fast as I realised Shea was nowhere in sight. Nika sat next to me, her back turned over someone. The closer I got, it struck me. My friend was cradling Cory's bloody body. She knelt in the middle of an open field, completely exposed while he gasped to stay alive. He was gasping for air, all the while clutching his stomach, continuously panting.

"Marcus, Marcus... got him," Nika's voice tone was strained, while her face was frozen in disbelief and shock at the outrageous scene she must have just witnessed.

"Shea's not much better off!" A taunting voice scrambled into my brain. Quickly I whipped around to find the owner of the mocking voice. The madness was absolutely unbearable, I screamed in agony as visions of a completely wrecked car came into focus. The driver was plastered across the broken shards of what was left of the windscreen. A dark smear of blood cascaded down his forehead, whilst a large shrapnel of glass was wedged deep into his head, half buried by the mop of dark hair on top. The man's eyes were glazed over, dulled and pain-filled. His nose was severely broken, slanting at an inhuman angle, leaving the bone, jutted out. My mouth went dry. With a few shaky breaths the man choked out a flailing "I love you..." As soon as the words were uttered, his head collapsed with the sheer effort.

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