Chapter 6: Home sweet home!

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I felt bad when Shea had to go. But it was just a bit too awkward with my 'huge' family surrounding me. He looked like a sixth wheel and that even included my dog Mr Big who was currently latched onto my leg scrabbling for attention.

I watched Shea's slouched posture move further and further down the road. His head seemed bowed in thought.

You'll see him tomorrow! My brain started scolding me. Now it was time to get back to my awaiting family as their complaints and queeries should be starting any mimute soon...



Once the boy had left, we were all walking back into the house. My poor daughters hair was a tangled birdsnest, a huge difference to her usually silky straight, too long hair. She was shivering as we ushered her in. There was was no surprise there, as she only wore a long mens t-shirt that reached her mid-thigh and a jacket that smelled strongly of too much deodorant, boys deoderant and sweat. She cuddled herself as the shivers ran down her covered arms.

I strode in after her and went to collect a pair of leggings, a shirt and blanket for her to wrap up warmly in before placing them on her bedside and knocked on her bathroom door as the gentrle drum of the shower could be heard.

"Nina, your clothes are on the bed. Wrap up warm. Its quite cold outside so dress up warm and hurry up we're waiting outside for lunch. Its lasagna, your favorite. Then you can tell us all what happened today," I walked away as soon as I heard her grunt in reply.


Nina waded the lake with her floating mattress and paddled into the deeper parts of the lake. As soon as she seemingly decided she was deep enough she lay down her hair was loose so it pooled over her sun-creamed back. She looked so peaceful, so peaceful that I didnt want to disturb her tanning session. I let her relax as the past few weeks had been daunting, and she needed this holiday from working. Odly enough she'd never once talked about changing her style, so her tanning was a strange feat. Paying it no further thought I settled into the water myself letting cold water wash over my body.

Eventually I got out of the cool water and grabbed a nearby towel to dry myself off. "Boys, im going up to the house quickly, I'll be gone for about 10 mins to go and get the camera and use the bathroom. Don't do anything silly!"

I heard a unanimous "Ok mum!" from behind me before I walked up the blistering-sun heated stones.

When I got back down the dangerously painful steps... I saw my daughter.

My poor girl was lying in the middle of the lake and she was drifting further away in the same position as when I left her. My brain screamed at me to move but I was frozen in shocked disbelief. Its ok... she can swim. She'll be absolutely fine. I tried to calm my racinh breaths. Nina probanly wanted to have a challenge swimming back. She WILL come back to you. Stop being paranoid.

She just kept floating away from me and there was nothing left I could do, i dropped the camera to the sand and hollered. My voice was raw from screaming as the boys both stopped their water fight to see what had rattled me so.

You will see her again. Be strong-for the boys... keep it together. I repeated the mantra in my head over and over again. But all it did was cause me a severe headache. She was way to far to be able to jump in and swim to get her.

That was the breaking point for me. I trudged up the stairs, the heat not affecting me, now, as the pain of loosing my daughter was too great. The boys silently obeyed and walked up with me. I ran up to my husband John's arms and started weeping. He stroked my jet-black hair and soothed me as I hiccuped. As soon as I quietened, he asked what happened.

"Papa, where did Nina go?" Luke asked.

"She's gone off for a swim, she'll come home soon. Don't worry about it, do you guys want to watch Tom and Jerry? Find the DVD, you can use my laptop," His voice has an edge to it, but he kept smiling for the sake of our sons.

One hour passed.
Then two.
Three, and there was still no sign of her.
Four, and it was getting hard to keep the boys distracted now.
My phone rang as the sixth hour was upon us. Hurriedly I accepted the call, and the voice of my daughter was melodic in my ears. After promising to come home immediately, she arrived within the next hour. When the doorbell rang, it was followed by a brisk knock.

"Boys go and open the door, im going to go and put Mr Big in the other room." Before i could say someyhing I heard a loud "I'LL GET IT MUM!" Reverberate through the house. Before I had a chance to stop our dog, he too was rushing excitedly down the hallway. I instantly regretted letting them open the door, my boys had been agitated and grumpy that their sister hadn't come home yet and who would know what welcome she would receive.

"Humf!" It sounded like the lock was jamming. I leisurely walked toward the door to try and catch our Maltese but he was bounding around gleefully, then as if smelling people, raced straight into the door whimpering and whining. Silly dog I thought as I ran after him, as I walked past the doorway I ran into John.

"Careful Melanie," he smiled. I took his hand and steadyed myself with a deep breath in, muttered a thanks then sucked it up with my most polite face on, trying to look calm and composed. I opened the door to reveal our daughter standing in only a large oversized shirt and a jumper. My cold anger vanished as soon as I saw her alive and seemingly well. She looked as if she'd just been startled but I took no notice of it as we all barreled toward her to embrace her in a huge bear hug.

A disgruntled sigh came from behind her as tall lean boy stood from a secluded cove behind her. He had black locks and intense greenish eyes, he combed his hand through his hair and weakly smiled at us. We all looked at Nina for an explanation, when I finally took in her barely clothed appearance. I could feel my jaw tighten as I looked at the boy questioningly wondering if he had taken advantage of my little girl.

As soon as we exchanged pleasantries the space was filled with a heavy awkward silence. Nina broke out of our grip and sauntered up to him and spoke quietly in his ear and then pecked him on the cheek. His face lit up as soon as she spoke, then it shone brighter when she kissed him.

Certain eveeyone was giving him some nastly glares, i moved my attention to Nina. He said goodbye swifyly then slouched back to his house. Though we knew he had saved our daughter, there were interesting circumstances and seemingly something going on between them...

*present time*

I went to go and join the others at the dining table. Everyone was silent, relieved and waiting for answers, for when Nina would get to the table there was going to be a reprimanding. The lasagna smell wafted into my nose and it smelt heavenly, the excessive cooking was mostly due to my anxiety, but it had helped calm me, and courtesy of Nina's dissapearance, we now had three desserts. As i neared the table, my stomach growled, forcing me to acknowledge my hunger.

Soon enough five plates were dished out and the boys tucked in hungrily, unable to wait for their sister. John looked me in the eye and silently asked "what do you think is going on between them?" Curiosity was laced deep into his voice.

"We'll find out soon enough. Just make sure you give her some space!" It was so funny how this sixteen year old boy was causing him such paranoia. Just to wind him up I shot back "Where would we be if my father didn't us date as kids?" I asked out of both curiosity and as an eye opener.

"Hmm.. well thats differ-" his sudden silence implied that the subject of the conversation had just walked onto the patio.

"Hey thanks for the clothes mum." Nina smiled meekly. Her face, arms and legs looked very tanned and slightly sunburt. Her hair was wrapped into a towel-turban and she was wearing the black leggings I left out for her but still wore the shirt she got from Shea alongside a pair of wolly socks.

"So who is this bo-?" I gave my husband the look and he stopped immediately.

"Yeah, Papa? Wassup?"

"Um... nothing. I'll ask you later. First you need some food in your system,"

We ate the rest of the meal in a comfortable silence. Which was an amazing feat considering my usually loud family!


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