Chapter 7: Interrogations and explanations

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That was by far the best dinner ever,  Mum really outdid herself. There was chocolate mousse, trifle and loads of jelly for dessert. To avoid any complicated questions for the time being, I helped my mother tidy up the table and proceeded to do the dishes...

I finished too quickly, knowing the uncomfortable interrogation would start any minute soon. So I reluctantly went to the living room, pocketing my phone on the way, hoping that any unconfortable situation could be avoided this way.

Only my brothers were in the living room when I went to sit down. They looked up from the show that they were watching for a few milliseconds to acknowledge my pressence them all eyes were back on the obscurely large tv screen. I slumped onto the couch and spread myself out taking up the whole thing. I glanced over at the tv screen just in time to see Tom get pummeled by Jerry. I never understood how this was a good children's show, when it was just a repetitive game of cat and mouse. Boredom got the better of me so I flipped out my phone and started to check over my messages. I was so absorbed that I didn't hear my mothers footsteps drum steadily behind me. Or my dad who had just gone to sit on the 1 seater IKEA chair opposite me.

The boys sensed something was up, so they clicked the tv off and went to their bedroom, which was by some coincidence was the furthest room away.

"Nina, your father and I would like to talk to you about what happened today," mum started on a very serious tone, she was going to be taking my bulkshit today. "Who was the boy who dropped you off dear?" As irrational as it was, her tone irritated me as she became curious. But I couldn't really blame her as I never invited many people over, which was mostly due to to the fact my friends lived in the next town over, and I spent almost my whole weekend doing homework, going horse riding or chilling with my guinea pigs. In hindsight, my life was pretty bland, so this was a rational spike in my parents interest.

"Well. Mama, Papa, his name is Shea and he lives next door."

"And what exactly were you doing with him?" Her time was clipped and pressed for information.

"I was... umm... well let me start from the beginning...
So all I remember from today was that I had gone out on my floatable mattress and expected the waves to bring me back but I must have been trapped in a strong current that pulled me further into the lake. Several hours later I found myself in the middle of nowhere, unable to see the beach, my head was throbbing and the waves were so high that I thought I was going to capsize. At this point I just closed my eyes and drifted off, hoping I was just a terrible nightmare. Eventually this large jet noise comes roaring over the water and I must have managed to fall asleep again. The next thing I know is that Shea is on the this boat trying in vain to wake me. He took me back to shore in which we went back to his house, so i could get changed. Maybe an hour or two later, ive been rehydrated, given a clean shirt, called you guys, thanked his parents, had an asprin then I headed home. And you know what happened after... so really, you owe my safe return to him." I finished awkwardly after gushing out the days events so quickly.

One look at their bewildered faces and I know I talked way too fast fot them to understand a word I said. "Basically,  I fell asleep on the  mattress thing, and he got me out of there and helped me to his house where he cared for me then took me home without any further hesitation. Does that makes sense?"

"Ok. Wow." mum could barely say anything. But she didnt have to as dad stepped in.

"So why were you kissing him outside our front door then?" I recoiled slightly, feeling a blush rise on my cheeks. These were precisely the questions I was trying to avoid.

"I'm not sure dad. It was a quick thank you for bringing me home. To be honest... I guess that I just like him a little." I managed a weak smile and looked back down to my phone. As if on que a '1 new message from Nika' icon flipped up onto the screen.

'Hey gurlie. I heard that you had gone missing, are you alright? You had us all worried sick. You have to fill me in ASAP! If theres anything you need just tell me. Remember if shit does happen on your holiday, Nika wanna know! Hugs!'

I smiled when I read the text. My best friend was so cute, at times.  On other occasions she would turn downright rude and tell others to go and fuck themselves when they meddled. Well maybe not in those exact words, but something similar. But that was just an example of why I loved her so damn much.

I wrote back 'being interrogated by my rents. I'll spill the juicy deets later. If I dont make it out alive, just tell everyone I love them.' I added a winking face at the end of the message for good luck as my face spread into a smile. Suddenly I was jarred out of my thoughts by a loud:

"Your texting him aren't you?" My fathers voice made me jump and sit up straighter.

"No!" I retorted defensively.  "I don't even have the guys number DAD!" He looked at me strangely and muttered to himself. It was something along the lines of 'I don't trust the boy'. Who knew my father could becone so protective.

"Well I'm seriously tired right now so I'll go to sleep. Night!" I said rather happily,  I was just greatful that we ended the conversation on peaceful terms. Bolting from the room, i snuck into my own. Quickly showering, I  slipped into my pjs and flopped onto my queen sized bed and opened my messages again. I had about fifteen fron Nika.

'Pleaseeeee spill'
'Dude this is unfair'
'Your being selfish'
'Are you ok?'
'Have your parents killed you yet?'
'You need to tell me!!!'
'I neeeeeed info!'
'Its not cool to leave me here in the unknown like this!'
'My little bookworm friend is growing into a butterfly!'
'You're being vague on purpose!'
'Damn you'
'Ill just have to find info by myself'
'...I have no idea what your parents phone numbers are so that idea is bust.'
'You had better be dead!'

I laughed at her over dramatic act. She really wanted to know....
In an exasperated phone call, I told her everything: about my shitty start to the day, my crappy almost-death and Shea. At the end of the call I was literally blushing so much I looked like a beetroot.

"Daym girl! All that in only one day... all I had time for was the art project that Mr Jave set last week. You're so damn lucky that you're not in my class!"

"Well I've got to go. Sleep needs me! And I have a special meeting tomorrow!!!  I'll tell you all about it after. YAY!" I cut the call quickly, not wanting my parents to catch wind of my plans tomorrow. I would gladly avoid more confrontation and not give them anything to tease me on.

A few moments later a message pinged up on my phone.

'Dude, its almost 12am. We've been talking for atleast 2 hours straight! Now get that beauty sleep and dont forget to spill or I'll come right over and demand answers!  Nighty night- Nika'

I smiled at her outgoing-ness. Well if anything was going to happen tomorrow I i would need my beauty sleep. And so I was whisked away to the land of dreams.


I looked outside my bedroom window and glanced over to the neighbors. There was only one light on in the house. Well that was to be expected as it was around twelve midnight. I couldn't sleep. Every time my eyes drifted shut, anxiety took over. I knew I wasnt going to be here forever, yet something made me want to stay, even just a little bit longer. It was the girl next door.


The light flickered and turned off. Before it closed I saw the brief silhouette of a girl reaching for the lightswitch. That must be Nina's room then. The one with the balcony facing the water, almost opposite my own.

I knew sleep would come eventually. I just had to wait. Just wait in anticipation for tomorrow.

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