Chapter 31: Party time!

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My world crumbled around me, the very last bits of the solid ground I held onto were currently wearing thin. It was a car accident that took his life. A drunk driver they told me, dad had taken the damage for the two of them in the vehicle, in his last moments he acted as a protective barrier between glass and flesh, mum's flesh to be exact. In my head, it didn't make sense. My head refused to accept it. My mind was telling me that my father would walk into the room and give my mother a warm embrace as he did every evening. I bit my bottom lip as I stared into the grim future that replayed in my mind. The upcoming hurdles. The current heartache.

I shook my head once again, unable to grasp what had happened. The house was eerily silent. Not a sound. Cory and Jannet had long since gone to school, and my mother was wallowing in her own mourning in the kitchen two floors down. I couldn't make myself move from the comfort of my bed which had been my safe haven for the past 24 hours. It must have been only a blink of an eye, like a press of a button or the flick of a light switch and his life was no more. I looked at my bedside table, barely acknowledging the billions of condolence messages that littered my phone. I picked it up and glanced at my untidy appearance in the screens reflection, a blank expression which seemed permanently sunken in, stared back at me.

I was unsure of what I really wanted or what I could do in life for it seemed over. Just thinking hurt. Trying to dislodge the thoughts, I unlocked my phone and quickly ignored each of the pop-up message icons that filtered through, then hastily, I pressed play on a special playlist I had made the previous night to take my mind off grieving. Instantly, upbeat background music flooded my eardrums and let the steady beat drive through and relinquish the ebbing feeling. Slowly, I let myself become mesmerised by the tune, rhythm and steady drumbeat, not long after, I found myself toe-tapping and nodding my head to the strangely calming beat of the music. My eyes flickered close on their own accord and gradually, I began to anticipate he next lengthy break in the beat.

As the song slowly came to an end, I looked up, feeling the need to dance and let go. The pink glossy invite from Maddy lay next to my phone docking station. Without a second thought, my mind was already made up. Me, Cory and a few drinks to forget about last night's happenings.


I tied the laces of my slightly worn out though still wearable sneakers then sprang up to check myself out in the full length corridor mirror. Between my faded grey hoodie, ripped jean shorts and sunglasses to hide my red eyes, I think I looked alright. Grabbing one of my favourite beanies from my pocket, I quickly slammed it on my head, in the process disturbing my combed hair, ensuring a mess atop my head, a few strands poking out from the hat.

I looked to my side and sure enough Cory had gotten ready in expert fashion, looking more hip than ever. He gave me a silent nod of approval, then dangled the keys in front of my face, motioning he was ready to go. Suddenly a vibration coursed through my body from my trouser pocket. I fished my phone out, then scanned over the message sender, intrigued, I read the first message of the day. 

From Nina:

Hi Shea. Just wanted to know if you are going to be at the party tonight?

Hope you're doing okay. See you soon. 


I smiled at her last sentence. 'See you soon', it was almost as if she knew I would be attending, seemed like word of my party animal side had gotten out. I quickly sent her a winky face then headed out to the car that Cory was waiting in. Feeling apprehensive about seeing so many people. 

The time flew by and the orange hues skies were turning back into their former mysterious shade of black. Soon enough, stars began flickering out into the open blank canvas the sky provided. The house we pulled up to was brightly decorated in various highly strung lightbulbs in array of different colours. The light patterns danced on the clean white washed walls. I smiled in contentment, then began to stroll around the parking lot. 

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