Chapter 19: Huh?

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I walked out the door, clutching a small 'Morris and co.' Paper gift bag. I had lied to Nina, really I had gone back to get her a small gift. There was a beautiful heart pendant that hung loosely on a sliver chain which had caught my eye. Obviously I had wanted to go and get it for her, a beautiful necklace for my beautiful girlfriend. I sighed as I looked around. Nina wasn't standing anywhere. I scanned the eerily empty and silent road quickly. Panic consumed me, I couldn't imagine what I would do if sonething bad had happened to her.

A dark shady alleyway came into my line of vision, just as a hooded figure slunk out. He passed me and the oversized red pullover hid most of his face, build and any other distinct features. He looked like a boy living under the radar. Ignoring the shady character I resumed my search for Nina.

At the corner I saw a discarded jewelry bag, similar to mine, lying on the floor, its contents spilled for the world to see. Half of a jem-encrusted bracelet peeked out. The make was similar to Nina's. Really it was exactly  the same as the one Nina was carrying.

I stood up from my crouched position. And looked around frantically. I spied the dark alleyway once more and I rushed to examine it.

The path stopped after 100 meters, hitting a dark dead end. At the end lay a body. Sprawled out and unmoving. Turned to one side, almost like it was asleep. Scared, I wanted to reach down to move the human. Somehow I had walked the few meters without knowingly moving my feet. I stroked Nina's cheek softly, and I felt a dying pulse throbbing gently at the base of her neck. I picked her limp, chilly body off the ground. A deep gash contoured the other side of her face and a scab was trying in vain to seal it over. I looked over at the floor and glanced up at the walls that were boxing us in.

In the corner was a giant shrine, words, hearts and words surrounded by weepy looking hearts littered the little corner of the alley. I called the only person I could think to help me. Cory. I propped Nina up against my chest and waited impatiently by the side of the road. Knowing that the more time that passed would make me more agitated, I decided to make the most of me being here and look at the intricate spray painted designs that littered the wall to see if there was any significance.

As I urged closer, my eyes widened in horror as the only words that had been scrawled on the wall was Nina's name. Crowded with hearts and other small words which I couldn't make out. But there was one that filled most of the wall, the coat of paint looked new and glossy, barely dried. Todays perhaps?  It read 'if I can't have you, then he can't have you either! - love M'

I glared around, half expecting this 'M' to be hiding lounging in the shadows, leaping in cruel, sadistic joy.

In the distance I could hear the slight rumble of a car engine coming ever closer. Reality struck me and I was cruelly brought back to my fate. I could hear the rough honks in my head. 

I looked up at the road and watched Cory's car pull up on the curb. I waved tierdly, motioning for him to get out the car and help me. The initial shock was settling somewhere in the deep pit of my stomach, it was ebbing away at my self restraint and I felt like I wanted to punch someone. The severity of this attack only just sank in deeper.

I glared at Cory as he gingerly took a few steps forward. Wairy as ever of the dark alleyway. I thought sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. His mouth dropped open and he stared as soon as he saw Nina, as his eyes were practically popping out of his head.

"Couldn't you have gotten here sooner?" I joked harshly, my tone extruded irritation of the highest pitch.

Cory's head snapped up to my voice. The horror in twisting his features evident. "Wh-ho?" he began to stammer. "H-h-how?" His voice craked into an even higher pitch.

It Started With You + MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora