Chapter 17: Creep.

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The morning was just too bright and too cheery. The colourful tropical birds were twittering happily in the comforts of their various nests, the wind was a gentle dancing breeze. The sun was up, large and already in the midst of all its glory. The morning had crept up too quickly...

I stretched myself out like a cat. Back legs. Front legs. Click your back into place. I was lying in a pool of blankets and pillows... on the floor. The curtains were badly closed letting only 1 thin strip of light which hit me straight between the eyes. Deep purple coloured dunes of light were projected through the blinds and onto the wall I was currently staring at. Jelly beans were littered amongst the rubble on the floor. I turned over to come face to face with a large wall of pillows, the line went all the way down to my feet. Cautiously peeping over the barrier I saw Nika sleeping soundly, practically floating in her own sea of duvets.

I got up and into my conjoined bathroom. Absentmindedly I stared into space as I brushed my teeth. Last night's epic slumber party was a mess. We watched so many random award-winning animations to other nostalgic movies that we found at the back of my cupboard. We made a 'fort' on the floor with tonnes of pillows and duvets. Then there was the food.  We stayed up into the early forbidden hours of the morning.  Right now I glanced up at the wall clock then cursed out loud. 1:53pm. Bloody hell! Finished with the toothbrush I rinsed my mouth once and grabbed my empty water bottle. In my head I rubbed my hands together evily and strode out of the room. Tip-toeing around to the other side of 'bed' to where Nika was still sound asleep, I opened the bottle letting the water trickle out at a slow and leisurely pace, before gravity pulled it down to where her unsuspecting legs were sticking out from the blankets. As soon as the water hit her bare skin she started thrashing around in her sleep 'swimming'. Unable to muffle the laughter any longer, I let out a hoarse and raspy morning-voice laugh. After a few more attempted strokes of front crawl she sat up. The glare plastered on her face was priceless. Then out of the blue she pounced up and tackled me, taking me by surprise and soon my amazing weapon was yanked from my grasp and used against me.

I ran into the shelter of the bathroom and hid from her prying eyes. "Well happy Monday afternoon to you too!" I yelled cheerfully through the keyhole. I could see Nika on the other side pondering what I had just said.

Slowly her facial expression changed from grumpy to horror. "M-Monday?" She stammered.  "T-t-today is Monday?" Slightly scared I opened the bolted door and stepped out cautiously.

"I'm starting work today! Shoot!" My nervous chuckling came to a halt. "Damn. Damn. Damnination!"

"Here, I'll go with you." then trying in vain I filled in the awkward silence that followrd  "First day jitters?" I tried helpfully. "We can grab lunch to-go? Hows that?" She nodded as we changed before running downstairs.


"Have fun girls!" My mother's cheery goodbye sounded like she was happy that we were finally leaving the house. Bearing in mind our sleepover must have been very loud, she seemed relieved to kick us out, even for a few hours.

We walked in stretched silence. I wasn't sure how to reasure her worried mind.  And she was too busy fretting about her first day and her first impressions. Soon enough we could see the beautiful green pastures of the Kennedy's fields and a few lonesome horses were blotched onto the unique landscape.

Nika's face lit up as she saw, or rather didn't see, anyone bustling around the yard. My eyes zoned in on a hunky jacket, attached to an equally hunky back. Patting Nika's shoulder I let her run off to do whatever they were paying her to do then waltzed over to were Shea was doing multiple jobs all without breaking sweat. I hugged his torso and snuggled against it. His posture changed and went rigid for a second before relaxing.

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