My jaw slacked listening to his menu list. "Holy skittles! For how many people are you making food for?"

Ian turned around as the stool I was sitting on scraped the floor lightly when I jumped a little. "Just the two of us. Why?"

"Why? It's so much food!"

"As much I've noticed. And you told me so too. You eat. A lot."

I narrowed my eyes as a smirk pulled on his lips. "Okay. I'll let that slid since you are making me food. But if you mention it any other time I won't be really happy. And I do hope you remember what happens when I'm not happy." Oh, he did remember alright. If the pale look on his face was to be accounted for.

Ian gulped down and busied himself with the remainder of the cooking. A few minutes later the food was ready. Much to Ian's objection, I helped him to set the table which was in the small but cozy dining room right next to the kitchen. After almost six days which felt like a very long time I finally ate without worrying for my life. Well, not completely since the people were still out there looking for us. But it felt close to normal. As normal as it can get while having a late lunch with Ian.

"Ian? I was thinking."


"Or should I call you Evan? Now that..."

"Ian is fine."

"Okay. Ian."

He looked at me expectantly. "What were you thinking?"

"You explained everything but I still don't understand one thing. Okay fine. I get it that you helped the FBI to rig the deal so Ramone and Damian are pissed and are after you for a revenge. But going so far as this? I mean it's too much of a hassle for them. Don't you think? Just to take a revenge. The deal happened before two years, you said. It's quite a long time to hold a grudge against a single person. And especially for two very established criminals. Who I'm sure can utilized the time they are spending on you in some other useful works. Whatever work they find useful, of course."

While I was speaking Ian was shifting in his seat uncomfortably. If I knew any better I would have thought he had stomach problems.

"Um. You see, Chasity. Um. I didn't really tell you everything." His eyes were stealing glances at me but never actually staying on me.

"What do you mean?"

"You remember? I told you about the money. That it disappeared."

"Uh huh."

"Well, actually. It didn't. Not exactly."

"Can you elaborate a little?"

He pulled at his shirt's collar hesitantly. "The money did disappear. But for the FBI and Ramone and Damian. That night during the deal, I transferred the money nor into the account, Ramone told me neither in the one the FBI told. I transferred it into another untraceable offshore account under a fake company's name."

"Oh, my god! That's why they're after you."

"Well, I think so. But it shouldn't have happened that way. No one was supposed to know about it. I don't understand how this knowledge of the mixed up money transfer got out." He was guessing how the leak happened whereas I was freaking out on some other matter.

"Ian! Why did you even do it? It's stealing. How could you do it? Oh my god!"

"It wasn't stealing."

"Oh really!" I narrowed my eyes rather accursedly at Ian. "It's not the medieval time and neither are you, Robin Hood. Stealing money from big bad people is still stealing. Oh god! I can't believe it you did that. And here I thought you were..."

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