26- Earth United

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Illusion starts raising the sand from the ground. The whole surface was shaking, as if Superman and Shazam were fighting with their full powers.

"We need to stop him! Or else he would destroy the whole planet!"
Firestorm shouts to others while his body trying to resist the force exerted by Illusions energy.

"Yeah! But how?"
Steel asks.

"I need Ice's help in this, while I would be shooting with my power on him, Ice will also be freezing him with her ice. With this we may be able to weaken him for a short amount of time and give us an opportunity to come up with something better!"
Firestorm replies.

"I won't help you! We are the bad guys, and whatever be the situation we will never help you, we would be on our own!"

"I agree!"
Giaganta replies and then charges towards Illusion, but she couldn't even go close to him to land him a blow, because of his energy.

"Hey girl! "
It was Harley.

She picks the hammer to her shoulder.

"If you don't listen to him, then there would be no good guys for you to hurt. And oh, no bad guys also."

"She is right! This is not the time to take up with our personal rivalries seriously. We have to be together, united to protect our planet. Earth has to be united, it is our only chance if we have to defeat him."
Green Lantern Hal informs other.

"Today, at this moment, we all are The Justice League! We have to fight as one, as a single unit to defeat him. For us, for the people we care about, for our earth!"
Superman speaks to motivate everyone.

"He is right, we have to do this, else we will lying around dead just like how Grodd is lying. Ice go."
Luthor Jr. speaks after standing up from the beating he had by Batman.

"You must do it."

"But what are the chances the plan will work?"
Ice questions back.

"Maybe chances that we might not succeed in this be hundred percent and maybe zero percent chance we succeed. But we have to give it a shot as we don't have any other choice. It's do or die."
Batman putting his hand over Ice's shoulder.

Ice looks back at Firestorm.
He nods to her.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Ice speaks up confidently.

Both of them exhibit their full power on Illusion.

"You can't stop me! Once I reach my full power I would destroy you all!"

"Attack on his legs!"
Flash shouts out.

Both Firestorm and Ice change the direction of attack and focus towards his legs.

"It's working!"
Atom gets excited.

Illusion was slowly falling down, he was on his knees by now.

"No we are losing."
Batman mutters.

"What? What do you mean by that?"
Wonder Woman asks astonishingly.

"Look there. Firestorm is getting exhausted."

"Firestorm on the count of three get aside from there!"

It was Captain Atom.

"You can't stop me!"
Illusion tries to stand up.

"One.... Two.... Three!"

Captain Atom then takes up Firestorms place.

Slowly to everyone's horror Illusion starts standing up.

"You people think you can defeat me? No one can defeat me!"

He releases all of his energy from him, which for few second makes Ice lose her balance.

But those few seconds were all Illusion needed.

"Now it's your turn."


Illusion had just killed Ice by passing his hand through her chest.

She falls on the ground with blood oozing out profusely.

Fire charges with her full power to avenge Ice, but Illusion is able to knock her down permanently too because of his quick speed.

He then starts rotating around Captain Atom and stops by hurling a black lightning on him.

"Now let's see what the earth's greatest protectors do."
He laughs at them continuously

Captain Atoms body gets cracked his energy inside starts becoming unstable.

"We have to contain him else it could kill us all!"
Luthor Jr. shouts out.

"We can't! He is our friend."

"He is already dead! We have to do something!"

"There is one way."

It was Firestorm getting up with Kid Flash's help.

"Vibe. I need your help in this. I can't contain it myself."

"But it will kill you!"

"There is no other way."

"I can't lose another friend now! There ought to be another way!"
Black Canary cries out.

Batman holds her tight, preventing her from going to Firestorm.

Canary looks at Batman.

"But Batman..."

He looks at her and then back at Firestorm.

"Guys can you do it fast. See both of your Green Lanterns are struggling to contain this the energy from Captain Atoms body even with both of their rings. Come on, hurry up."
Illusion knocks them while taking Ice's and Fire's energy.

Firestorm looks at Vibe.

"This is our only chance to help ourselves."

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now