6-Daily Planet

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Daily Planet

All over phones ringing, people walking here and there as if they want to finish their work and go home as soon as possible.

A regular office hour at Daily Planet was not on a plan for the workers today.

Ofcourse how can it be when it's friday!! After one week of hectic work they get two days holiday before another hectic week starts.

"Hello, this is Lois Lane, Daily Planet how can I help you?"

"Hey Ron!!" She calls him.

But because of weekend and so much noise he couldn't hear her calling.

"Hey Ron Troupe!!"

This time Lois shouts at top of her voice.

"Yeah Lois?" He replies.

"Pick up line two, a new project for you" she screams.

"You got me" he replied

"Lois, Perry wants to meet you" Cat informs Lois.

"Ok Grant, will go to see in his cabin now"

"Ohh Lois"
This time it was James.

"Yes Jimmy?"

"I will go with you too.. Cat was telling me that Perry is in a total bad mood"

"I can handle it Jimmy don't worry"

"I am sorry Lois, but I had promised Clark that I will take care of you in his absence"

Lois stops.

"What? Lois why did you stop"

She walks towards him in a manner of run and hugs Jimmy tightly.

"You are my true friend Jimmy"
Jimmy was stunned for a moment, he had always a concern and respect for Lois but she never had reacted like this.

"No need to mention Lois."

Trying 'to normalise' the situation.

"Ouch it hurts Lois, I guess you should stop meeting Superman"
He teases her.

Lois hits him in his leg gently.

Just before opening the cabin door.
"By the way Lois isn't Cat looking beautiful today?"

Lois looks at him and smiles.
"Why don't you go and talk to her.

"Ahhh...let's first meet Perry then we will talk about her"
Jimmy speaks while entering the cabbin.
Lois could see Jimmy blushing and wanted to help him. But she already had big things to handle.

"Why the hell it took so long Lois, and what's Jimmy doing here? Ah..never mind" he shrugs off.

"I wanted to know where is Clark? He has not come here since past two weeks!!" He shouts loudly at both of them.

"He must be on a leave" Lois replies.

"Did anyone not tell him that he has to take my permission before taking a leave!!??"
He replies to Lois.

"Always in hurry to go to Kansas. You both better get him back to me soon because there are lot of work going, otherwise tell him to settle there permanently!!"

Both Lois and Jimmy look at each other in shock.
They both knew that Clark after the battle with Secret society/Black Adams has decided to take some time as leave to come in terms with everything that has happened.

"Go now from my cabin or else you both will be going to Kansas too!"

Both of them get out of the cabin as soon as possible.

"Why does he want everyone in the office so desperately?" Jimmy asks looking at Lois.

"Its Alex Luthor Jr. Jimmy. He wants Daily Planet to cover all the events of The S.V. Act." Lois replies.

"So what should we do Lois? I mean Clark had told us that he wanted to take a break and not be involved in anything else for a while, thats why"

"We should go and meet him Jimmy so that we can convey him Perry's message and also I wanted to talk to him about the Act"

"Ahem ahem I guess that would be a ' short vacation' for both of you!" He teases Lois.

"Jimmyyyyy" she sternly looks at him though blushing with the thought of vacation.

"So lets go to Kansas, Smallville we are coming." Lois asks Jimmy.

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