15- Atlantis(Part 1)

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"Luthor is not picking up the phone"

"Ahh that moron! He must be on a holiday with his bodyguard or something and left us to do the job. "
Silver Banshee shouts in anger.

"I would like to correct you lady. It's not just job, it's a tough job. How can he expect us to defeat Aquaman in water..."
Captain Cold speaks out casually.

"If you all forgot then let me remind you, a Green Lantern is coming here to help us"

Hal arrives where the team was standing, awaiting for their leader.

"Hey guys, hey Ice you look beautiful today, trust me. Ohh Snart you look cold"

"I am always cold Green Lantern. Captain Cold, remember?"
He shruggs Ice aside and moves towards Hal.

"So leader. What's the plan?"
Captain Cold gets ready with his gun.

"Wait, you guys have not started the mission yet?"

The whole team looks with blank expression towards him.

"Ohh yeah sure, I am the leader. Ok, now give me names of all the people standing here so that I can assign them their task."

Ice moves forward.
"Let me introduce you to all-
Captain Cold, Fire, Cheetah and Giganta-she can give tough fight to Aquaman in terms of strength and some soldiers or fighters from A.R.G.U.S"

"Woah... Cheetah, Giganta? I didn't know villains will also be there!"
Green Lantern Hal expressing in amused manner.

"Hey pal, I ain't a hero"

"Sure. But Canary told me otherwise so I just did not feel right to name you as villain."


"Now you do know dear"
Cheetah with her hands folded, clearly showing her indifference towards Hal.

"Sure. Is anyone left there? I mean as a backup, or a secret weapon like Shazam was in Themyscira's case? And trust me I won't leave them alone. I will hit them back to back in the ground if they were to remain secret."

"One is coming Lantern. Can I call you Lantern....."
Captain Cold could be seen clearly impatient with his this comment.

"Who?" Hal questions in excitement.

"Hawkman is coming too"


"No one knows where she is. I thought she was with you?"
Ice asks in a puzzled manner.

"Come on! That's not me. That is another Lantern."

"And exactly how many Lanterns we have in this earth?"

"Three. But we are not here to discuss that Mr Snart."

He turns to look at each member standing.

"Could you all move to one side? Like I can't address you all like this"

Everyone move to one side. Whereas Captain Cold does not.

Hal looks at him.

"Uhh...forget it"

"Thankyou Lantern. Now can you proceed with the plan...?"

"Sure. Now listen here is the plan. Since Aquaman would not budge to come out of sea and we cannot force him to come with us in sea, so we will have to force him out of sea."

"And how do we do this"?
Ice questions Green Lantern Hal.

"That you will be doing my dear. You will freeze the surface of water with ice, in few minutes they will be out of the sea. And then we will talk to him."

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