2-The ACT

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Three Months have passed

The wounds of the battle three months ago, had not yet healed.
The wounds here for most of our heroes were internal.

Some decided to move on "from" it, while some chose to move on "with" it.

Wonder Woman had returned to her island Themyscira as a break from the outside world, to train her warriors and to meet her mother Queen Hippolyta, the queen of Amazons in Greek Mythology.

Batman started training Damian, how to utilise all the resources available to him at a given situation along with his job as Gotham Vigilante.

Trust me on this one, getting training from his father, has become a big deal for him nowadays.

Since now he was not only Robin but also the leader of the newly famed Teen Titans.

John Stewart-The Green Lantern had been busy solving some immediate galactic matter somewhere in outer space. While Hal Jordan-The Green Lantern chose to spend some time with his girl Carol Ferris.

Dr Palmer(Atom) these days is busy in his lab, sometime getting a visit from Green Arrow and Felicity Smoak for any new arrow modifications.

While some of our heroes were busy time travelling, others chose to cleanse their city from crime in a Flash.

Superman and Supergirl had gone back to their civilian life again. While the former was living in a guilt about the three months old battle, the latter was trying to help former getting over it.

Other than our heroes, someone out there was busy planning to execute his obsession.

Luthor Jr.

He had no remorse for losing a person who used to hold her life in her hand(Mercy Graves), not only for him but also used to for his father.

He could be seen thanking her to give him a reason to carry out his obsession.
The obsession of eliminating the Justice League.

But as they-" Like Father, Like Son".

But all of them knew today was a very important day. Today there is a press conference, the first "official" press conference related to the "JL Latest Horror", apparently this is the name given by the people all around the globe to the Justice League vs Secret Society plus Black Adam.

All the League's founding members are there near the stage. Except Superman.

He was on the stage.

Soon Supergirl arrived to look after her cousin.

"I being the leader of the Justice League" he pauses for a moment.

Maybe because of the thought of how he will face the people? Because of the guilt he has?


"Take's the responsibility for the damage caused in our last battle with Secret Society and Black Adam"

Pauses again with a sigh.

"We take the responsibility of helping all those affected in any manner possible within our limits, we will be also looking after to help in any financial way as possible"

Looks towards Batman,as in a manner if he agrees to his decision.

Batman nods.

"Can you return my boy?"
Came a voice of a lady from the crowd.

Lady comes forward. The lady can be best described as a victim suffered by the battle caused. Left hand fractured, bruises all over face covered with bandages, limping as she walked towards the front of stage.

"He considered all of you heroes, especially you Red Cape"

Pointing towards Superman.

"He considered you his idol, and look what have you done to my boy...You took him away!!! He was just 5 days away from his 13th birthday!!" Anger in her voice and tears at the same time rolling out of her eyes.

Supergirl notices Superman, he was upset.

"Whenever he used to feed dogs, whether after church he feeds the poors he would ask me-
" Mom. Would Superman notice me? Will he be proud of me?" She speaks while sobbing.

"And I just like any foolish mother would say everytime, yes he will dear"

"But ma'am had we not done that then they would have killed everyone you ever cared about" Supergirl speaks up coming in front of all the other members standing beside the stage, in a way to defend her cousin and the whole team.

"How can you even say that!! Can you return my son back? Can you?"

Supergirl looks down.

"No na!!? I knew! You scoundrel"

"Ah ma'am!! Relax now , no need to worry I am here."

Everybody turns around.
Luthor Jr. adjusting his watch, walking towards the stage from his Lamborghini with his personal bodyguard on one side.
Not to forget a personal "female" bodyguard.

Climbs the stairs towards the mike on stage.

"Had we not have enough of these people? Flying above the sky a "watchtower" although destroyed...but it was there and that too with a laser beam to shoot us, even though they have a mini laser emitting guy!! Haha"
Indicating to Superman.

"Ohh I am so sorry for that.
My father had realized this a long time ago but no one bothered to listen him!!"

Washing away fake tears rolling out of eyes.

"These people have caused enough damage, they should pay, ohh sorry my bad(giggles), they should be held accountable for all the things they do, loss of houses, loss of property, everything!!"

Taking a sip of water.

"Is it not that today it's quite hot? I am sweating!!
Ohh sorry again, I went off the track "

"How can you listen to him?"

Shouts Booster Gold in anger

"Don't you remember what his father had done in his lifetime? What he is been doing all these time? How many people have they killed for their own selfishness??"

"Not more than you all smartass" shouts a man amongst the crowd.

Luthor Jr. smiles.

"Thankyou. Thankyou very much. Where was I? Umm..yeah..my father. He had a dream. A dream which remained only as a dream,kept in a locker file only. But before I announce or tell anything about that-
"Come dear, stand here near me. "

Asking bodyguard to stand near him.

"After revealing the idea to you all, my life may be in threat"
He jokingly says.

"Say it fast Alex" Batman speaks.

His speaking is mostly like command to everyone, even Luthor Jr. respected him somewhat.

Luthor Jr. looks towards the League as if wants to look at each one of their faces, their expressions after he reveals the idea.

Adjusting the tie.

"It's the S.V. Act" He smiles.

What? How did he know about this plan?
Was the kind of question going in the mind of all the league members present there.

No one in the league had ever thought that this would ever happen, they knew this was there on some peoples's mind, but mostly those who hated the league had this.

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum