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"I thought he would do the job properly, by fabricating a false story he might get enraged and determined to do it. But now it looks like, like always I have to do it on my own."

A voice came from a person standing behind Grodd.
The voice was thick and could give anybody a chill.

The ongoing battle came to a standstill.
Grodd was dead and the man who killed him was standing and laughing like nothing happened.
All looked at that man.

He was tall, muscular, with a dark black and brown shade costume, he had a symbol in the centre of his chest.

It was just like Flash's lightning, but of a different shade and position.

"Who are you?"
Flash asks fearing he might be a speedster.

"I am all of yours death. But you all can call me Illusion. "

"How did you phase through him?"
Flash asks.

On hearing the question the man raises his hand.

Everyone stand in a protective stance.

His hand starts vibrating at an astounding speed.

The next moment he gets to run at a massive speed and looks like no one is there even.

"So you are a speedster too."
Kid Flash comments.

"This is it! He killed Starfire."
Robin shouts.

Everyone turn to Robin.

He was standing near the dead body of Grodd.

"His injury, just look at it. It has a similar mark at his back like it was in Starfire's like I had noticed and tried to tell you all earlier."

"The kid is smart. Smarter than I expected. "
Illusion replies.

"You! You killed Starfire!"
Blue Beetle charges towards the speedster.

"No Beetle! Stop! We don't know anything about him yet!"
Flash shouts.

"You foolish boy."
Illusion laughs off.

Blue Beetle starts firing missiles on the speedster.

As the dust subsides the man was not there.

"Where did he go Flash?"
Shazam asks.

"Even I find it difficult to trace or follow with his speed."
Barry replies.

"Behind you Beetle!"
Robin shouts.

Everyone's attention gets turned to Blue Beetle.

Blue Beetle turns around in fear.

"Good bye dear."
And the next moment he starts hitting him continuously on his armour leading to breaking of his suit bit by bit.

Shazam ties to stop him but before he could do anything Illusion hits him with his hand created tornado.

"How could he do that?"
Kid Flash looks in horror because even Flash can't create such intensity tornado to stop Shazam as far as he knows.

"I don't know Wally. I don't know."
Flash replies.

Within a second he stops, Blue Beetle lied down with his suit damaged intensely.

"Now you die kid."
He looks at the unconscious body of Blue Beetle and speaks.

"No you can't do that until I live."
Kid Flash roars as he charges towards Illusion.

As Kid Flash starts running he suddenly skids on the ground because of the hit given by Illusion before he could even touch him.

"You had no identity in my world nor in the other worlds I went to."

"Who are you."
Batman asks.

"I think I told you, I am Illusion."

"I asked who are you and what do you want. Not your name"
Batman asks him more firmly.

Back from behind Heatwave tries to hit Illusion quietly.

"I told you don't try to even think you can outsmart me!"

Illusion rushes backwards towards Heatwave and takes his gun from him and points at him.

"Leave him alone."
Captain Cold asks Illusion.

"Sorry but it's against my policies to let a person who tries to kill me get away that easily."

Illusion raises the gun at Heatwave.
Heatwave's throat was getting dry, he was afraid, that what will happen to him now.

As he started the gun, before the fire could reach him Flash runs quickly and moves Heatwave away from the path.

"You know. I actually saw that because you are kinda slow, you are to me like what an average human would be to you."
Illusion comments on Flash after he moves Heatwave away from the path.

Flash gives a blank look to Illusion, because he doesn't understand what he was saying.

Sudden crying of voice was heard, someone was in pain, it was Heatwave.

Illusion had somehow managed to pierce something in Heatwave's leg while Flash was rescuing him.

"Why are you trying to harm us?"
Damian asks in anger.

"Trying? Dude! I am not trying to harm you all. I am going to kill you all."

Illusion attacks Damian, Robin with a tornado from his hand.

Batman shouts.

He usually does not become vulnerable when it comes to his son, but this was about his life and death.

But before the tornado could reach Robin, cold and icy wind started flowing in his direction to not only change the path of the tornado but also to destroy it.

Batman looks up at the sky.

Shazam takes his name softly.

"All right now you have all of our attention. Now tell us who are you exactly, by that I mean what do you want from us? And why are you here?"

Superman asks Illusion as he descends to the ground.

"Where is Kara?"
Superman asks Bruce.

"She's fine."
He replies.

Both of them look towards Illusion.

"Tell us what you want!"
Superman shouts at Illusion.

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now