12-Fall Of Titans

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"Why did you not come the next day to join the team?"
Batman in a low voice questions Supergirl while fitting back his Bat coil in his utility belt.

"I did not know something like this could happen..Ma was not feeling well so I couldn't leave her even though Clark asked me to join the team."
She replies.

"Why did you not come on time? And why are you injured?"
Supergirl in a concerned manner asks Batman.

"Apparently Amanda's one Suicide Squad member escaped and he had planted a bomb in the heart of Gotham city"


Batman nods.

Two of them walk towards Beastboy, who was holding Starfire in her arms.
Kid Flash, Robin, Blue Beetle, Cyborg all were surrounding him.

"We should report this incident to the outer world. What the government's organizations do."
Supergirl asks.

Robin turns in anger towards Supergirl facing her.

"What will we tell them? That a secret organization led by people seeking a way to justify their motive, send a group of lunatic criminals to kill children or teenage superheroes?"

Supergirl looks down as she has nothing to say while Robin suddenly turns away from Supergirl to Batman.

"You tell me Mr. Batman. Why the hell were you late for more than 30 minutes when we had sent you the message one hour ago!!"
Robin asks in anger. It could clearly be seen he was crying, because his mask was already wet.

"I don't need to give you an explanation."
Batman replies and starts moving towards Starfire's dead body.

Robin holds his hand and stops him.

"You have to give explanation god dammit, because of you and your best friend's cousin being late we lost a member. A member who had come just to take part in our celebration. You have to explain!"
Batman twists Robin's arms and line him down on ground.

"You want to know why she died?..."

"Batman no.." Supergirl trys to stop him from speaking any further sensing the situation may worsen.

"No let him know. It's because of you."

He turns back  at Robin.

"You have plan for every situation you think, but the truth is you don't!! You don't have a plan for any unexpected situation. You were completely blank, then you make a plan in a hush on the spot which costed the team!!"

Batman answers angrily.

Robin remains quite.
Batman could see Robin feeling guilty.

"But we can change that son. We have to change it, and we will change it."

Robin looks up towards him.

"We will change it, together."
Batman finishes the sentence.

"But before that my son, your friend needs a proper send off. A goodbye that too with respect."

Batman, Supergirl, Robin all walk towards Starfire.

Batman bends down to pick Starfire. Beastboy holds his hand.

"I will do it. I will take her. She died because of me, she died for me"
Beastboy crying as he utters the words to Batman with repeated sniffing.

Beastboy, Cyborg, Blue Beetle, all move ahead.

"There is something weird."
Robin mutters, before walking.

"What?" Batman asks.

"Starfire was trying to save Beastboy, when the beam hit to her on her chest, but she has a black scratch at a small part from behind. As if someone hit her from behind and when the beam hit her, since she was already weak, so the Enchantress's attack just triggered the pain causing her to lose her life."

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz