18-Run in

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Flash and Aquaman reach the place where Eiling and his team were waiting.

"Ohh common where is Batman, we are more interested in him than you both, one is broken from inside..."
Eiling points towards Wally standing behind him.

"And one we have defeated and who ran away"

"You don't need to worry about Batman."
Aquaman replies.

Shazam comes forward and asks politely.
"Where is Batman? Flash, Aquaman tell us. We do not want to fight you."

"Stay back"
Aquaman raises his finger towards Shazam.

"You do not want to fight? On one hand you have kept Wonder Woman as a hostage to blackmail us, you have evacuated the whole city, you have an army of superheroes and villains standing behind you and you are saying you don't intend to fight!!?"
Flash reverts back to Shazam.

"Someone is coming."
Giganta places her hand above her eyes to get a clear view.

Th noice of a car gets clearer as it approaches.

"He is here."
Grodd informs Eiling.

It was the Batmobile.
It gets parked beside a house.
Batman comes out of it.

"Holy shit!"
Green Lantern could not believe his eyes.

It was Batman, in his serious combat armour, only that it was much more advanced than before.

"Someone once told me never break parking rules"
Batman speaks as he gets out.

"I heard someone is searching for me? You got me."

"Well I admire your new suit Batman, but do you think you can survive all of us here, with just three of you?"
Atom trying to mock Batman.

"We three here are capable to take more than half of your army. And my friend here.."
Directing towards Flash.

"...can take you all down and you all won't even know."

"Well if you forgot or you can't see then let me show you. Here is Mr Flash's sidekick Kid Flash. I guess he might be able to engage our friend Flash for quite some time? Then only two of you are left"
Eiling laughing hard on seeing Batman getting serious.

"Who said they are only three?"
It was the Bat family.
Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood(our own Jason Todd)

"You create a mess in Gotham, you mess with the Bat family"
Batgirl speaks out by placing her hand in Batman's shoulder.

"You look good"she compliments Batman.

"Are we late for the party?"
It was the Star city's turn to make the entry.

Green Arrow, Red Arrow, White Canary, Black Canary, all had come.

"It's good to see you all."

Green arrow nods at Batman.

Batman looks at Wonder Woman and nods.

Something hits General Eiling on his head. Allowing Wonder Woman to take advantage and break the handcuff and escape.
It was none other than Barda.

"Wasn't she under government supervision?"

"She was taken for medical care Eiling."
Shazam replies to Eiling.

Eiling gets more furious.

"You all will pay for what you did in Themyscira"
Wonder Woman and Barda come towards Batman's team.

"You are using advantage of the act for Luthor Jr. He is fooling you all and you are being fooled."

It was Supergirl, along with Steel, Green Lantern John Stewart and Tornado.

"I say go back to where you come. Don't make this ugly Eiling."
Batman trying to make them understand.

"Hmm so we have to do this? Ahh Supergirl I guess you forgot one thing."
Luthor lands down with his own suit.
He looked bulked up, his suit might not be as good as Batman but Luthors were known to keep the surprise packets under their belts.

Supergirl looked towards Batman, thought that Batman may know what he was talking about.

"Ohh silly me! How must you know when you were not in this planet!? See my father always use to envy Superman or rather hate him. He hated because he had so much power and no one to keep a check on him. He was not able to find out the weapon to kill him, until our Dark Knight showed us the thing."

Batman was slowly realizing what Luthor Jr. was saying.
Luthor Jr. continues-

"Kryptonite. Yes, that can lower your strength, weaken you completely. And it's not that only Superman's weakness is found. Before the act being declared I had already found out, each one of yours weakness. So what are we waiting for? If Batman and his whole crew is not surrendering then let's run into them."

"Wait let me talk this out"
Shazam trying to cool down Luthor Jr.
"Batman, and all the heroes standing here. We used to work for the same team. We used to work for betterment of people, what they want. If they want that we work under government then lets do accordingly."

Luthor Jr. and Eiling were clinching their fists.
Obviously they wanted to destroy all those who have thought of going against them.

"Yes we want to help people but by not having anyone on our head who instructs us what we should do or not. They would become a path of obstacle for us, they would start controlling us."

"So let it be. You will get what you want."
Grodd interrupting the conversation and marches towards Batman's army leaving Shazam in shock while Eiling overjoyed.

Nightwing commands in place of Batman.

Batman comes back to his senses and make a stance towards Luthor Jr. to attack him.

Many were confused that why he chose Luthor Jr. and not Eiling when Luthor Jr. is not that much threat to the battle as compared to Eiling.

But then he was not wrong. Luthor Jr. was that man who started this and if this has to stopped then he is the key.

And besides he is the most dangerous person in not only his team but also one of the most in this planet.

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