14-Themyscira(Part 2)

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Wonder Woman was tensed, she was not able to protect her mother, she was hoping her mother somehow escapes it or the weapon loses its path.

But at the right time Barda came in between to save the queen and in the process got herself hurt.

With knife struck at Barda's chest she falls down to her knees.
She tries to get up, but the continuous blood oozing out, starts taking her strength slowly.

Wonder Woman charges towards Bizarro.

Seeing Wonder Woman quite angry and not wishing to take any chance General Eiling tries to stop her by holding her leg.

But Wonder Woman kicks Eiling hard pushing him back in anger and charges towards Bizarro.

"You might have cape like him"
She punches Bizarro hard on his face.

"You might have strength similar to Superman"
She punches him hard in his stomach.

"But...you...are...not Superman!!"
As she lands final blow to Bizarro throwing him back to the wall.
Bizarro gets badly hurt, he tries to stand up on his feet but everything fails.
As Wonder Woman charges towards him to land him final blow.

"Enough!! Shazam!!"
The 'boy soldier' speaks loudly.

"What the..."
General Eiling in shock that what is even happening here.

Wonder Woman stops and looks back.
Everyone are shocked.
Lightning falls on the soldier and as the dust gets removed, there was a hero standing much to the astonishment of everyone present especially General Eiling.

It was Shazam!

"Wonder Woman it's enough, you are going to kill Bizarro!"
He speaks with his hand on his waist.

"Shazam!? You were here watching everything silently and did nothing?"

"I was doing my duty"
He replied.

"Duty? Why the hell was even I not told about this?"
General Eiling questions in anger.

"General I am sorry for that. But Amanda Waller had a doubt you will be acting something stupid in the battle, so she sent me here. "

"To keep an eye on me!?"

Shazam nods.

"We will be talking about it later sir. Right now Wonder Woman you have to come with us according to government's order"

"These men, your men were trying to kill my mother, my friend also my commander got seriously injured and you are arresting me? Why did you do nothing when they were going to kill her?"
Wonder Woman asks in baffled manner.

"It's not arrest Wonder Woman it's just orders that we are following, you are not going to be arrested. Rather you have to help us to arrest someone."
Shazam replies to Wonder Woman's question.

"I would make that man pay!"
As she charges towards Eiling, but in right time Shazam holds her hand.

"Diana stop it now. Your friend can be still rescued, by knowledge tells if she is given proper medical attention within twenty four hours then she can be saved"

Wonder Woman breaks the hold from Shazam.
"Warriors take Barda and give her medical attention."

"But the battle?" Barda asks even in pain.

"We will fight Barda, don't worry I will take care of them, we will. You take care of yourself now."
She speaks to Barda, as Barda is taken by her warriors.

Shazam flows towards queen.

"Kill her Shazam!"
Eiling shouts out.

Wonder Woman turns in tension.

"Shut up Eiling."
He turns towards the queen and utters.

"My queen Hippolyta, I request you to ask your daughter to surrender"

"And why do you think I will ask her to do so, son of the six gods?"

"As you said I am son of six gods, and with my knowledge and wisdom I know and somewhere deep down you know that too, that she cannot win this war. And I assure you that nothing will happen to Diana. I promise."

Queen still does not respond.

"Look at your surrounding queen, look at your warriors. Even if they are finest warrior in this field, still they cannot beat Bizarro and Eiling.
And even if they do then General Eiling will call for me and bounded by my duties I cannot refuse him. So I may have to get involved."

Wonder Woman and the queen are shocked to hear it.

"Amazons don't run away from fight and so will not my daughter!"
Queen spoke in anger.

Wonder Woman was silent.
She looked towards her soldier.
All were tired, exhausted, but they chose to continue the fight. To support her queen in her fight and so looked back to their princess with a smile.

"I am ready to go."

Everyone are shocked for a moment.

"No daughter we will fight, you will fight and if you want your friends help I allow them to come here. Who do you want? Superman? Batman? Supergirl? Or your sister?"
They will be bought here instantly. Don't lose hope Diana"
Wonder Woman's mother trying to not let her spirit down.

"I am not thinking about losing mother! I am not even losing hope! But just look at them. Our warriors, they are completely exhausted in this battle"

"No princess we are not exhausted" Replied back one of amazon warrior.

"We can fight, we will fight!"
Another amazon showing her loyalty speaks out.

"No my warriors you have done enough. Shazam..."

Shazam does not reply. He was still shocked how did Wonder Woman give up a fight! But then he realised that along with a warrior she is a princess too, and so her care for her people led her to choose such path, to make such a decision.


"Yes...yes Wonder Woman?"

"I said I am ready to go. Only if I am made assure that none harm will be done to my people here nor to my mother. Can I trust you with this atleast?"

Shazam was shocked.
Trust with this atleast? Did my one choice to act for government? To serve the people of the country took a toll on Wonder Woman's trust on him so easily?
His mind was upset but he had to do his duty.

"Yes...yes you have my word nothing will happen to her queen or to your people."

"Soldiers." General Eiling commands his soldiers to handcuff up her.

The soldiers were afraid. Maybe arresting Wonder Woman and handcuffing her may be two of the world's most dangerous thing? Maybe.

Wonder Woman seeing their hesitation takes the cuffs and handcuffs herself on her own.

Her mother, queen gets emotional she had never expected this could or would happen some day.

"Don't worry mother..." She turns towards Eiling and comtinues,
"Batman will save me. He will save us all from this sick situation.

As she turns back to smile to her mother, General Eiling hits on her head hard to unconscious.

"What are you doing Eiling!!"
Shazam rushes towards Wonder Woman.

"Bizarro. Take her to where we had been ordered to go according to our plan. And rest of you arrest the amazons.

"You said, you promised they will not harm us, to my people"
Queen shouts in anger as her hand gets handcuffed

"Eiling what is this?"
Shazam asks in anger.

"Don't worry Shazam. We are just keeping the amazons in government custody and after other team come's back from Atlantis, we would complete our all the targets according to plan and then we have to meet our favorite friend in his city."

"Atlantis? What are you talking about Eiling?"

"That you should not be worried about, we will inform you when the right times ."
Eiling replies with a cunning smile and jumps up high to his helicopter and flies away.

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant