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"Atleast you could have told me that you will be coming! And by the way the situation was under my control Flash. But because of you I had to leave my people there, they all are in danger!"

"Don't worry about them. I had asked Captain Cold and he told me they were not going to act like General Eiling. According to their plan they just wanted you, and since you are here they will leave them alone. "

"Captain Cold? But why did you bring me here? And what place is this? Where am I?"

"I told him to bring you here."

From the dark side of the room came a man wearing a cape.


Aquaman walks towards Batman and gives him a tight hug.

"So Aqualad found you? But why here?"

"Ahh...I asked him the exact question that why he had called us here and he asked me to wait till the right time comes"

Aquaman looks towards Batman in a perplexed manner.
Batman quickly turns and starts walking.

"Come after me. I will tell you all."

Both Aquaman and Flash start following Batman.

They come across a small pool, they look around and find the walls there were made up of stones.
He slowly takes them towards a place where there was a huge surveillance computer, Batcomputer, chair and at the corner of the place was a car covered.

Flash runs towards the covered car and mutters.

"It's the Batmobile!"

"Flash come here"
Aquaman calls with a serious tone.

Batman starts the Batcomputer.

"When Luthor Jr. announced the S.V. Act, I thought he might not be like his father, he may or can be good. But I was wrong.
After some research and Aqualad telling me all what happened I found out it was a team effort. Amanda, Eiling, Luthor Jr, Hugo Strange and some others about whom I am not sure. They want Luthor Jr. to be in power, though it is his only mission. They have made a new Suicide Squad, attacked on Titans, told Eiling to attack Diana, Themyscira and later her people being arrested, Atlanteans, and many other superheroes who wanted or had shown traits of going against S.V. Act."

"But why?"
Flash asks.

"Thats what was my next goal and I found out this. As far as my research goes their only or rather Luthor's only motive is to 'destroy' Superman..."

"And for this they have a very strong team-Captain Atom, a Green Lantern, Shazam, Atom, Hawkman, Eiling, Grodd and many more"

Aquaman finishes Batman's statement.

Batman continuing on his observation.
"Not only that they have even changed the mind of some of those who were earlier against S.V. Act or were neutral."

Flash asks nervously as if hoping something should not be there in the answer.

Batman sighs.

"Blue Beetle, Vandal Savage, Kid Flash..."
Batman pauses and looks at Flash.

Flash takes his name softly, he could not believe he would go to the other side.
Flash gets drown into a deep thought, about his sidekick.

"And many more..."
Batman finishes.

"So what should we do?"
Aquaman asks eagerly, clearly showing his interest in finishing the topic of S.V. Act as fast as possible.

"We have already started on our plan. I have send the message through Flash to every superhero we trust, who can support us. But we don't know where Robin and some Titans are, so Aqualad is given task to find out all of his trusted friends."

Aquaman gets relieved on knowing that Aqualad reached here and apparently is safe.

"And who all have said yes to your proposal and who all do you think will help us?"

"I don't know."
Batman replies.

"What do you mean by I don't know? Don't you know what all are stake in this? All our loved ones are made target! If by any chance our identity is revealed then people will hunt them down to take revenge."
Aquaman shouts at Batman.

"Hey hey man chill"
Barry tries to calm him down.

He continues
"You yourself have told Arthur that what all are in stake in this issue. Before choosing a side everyone has to think of the consequences of what might happen if they choose any of the side."

Aquaman gets calm.

"I am sorry Batman."

"It's fine."

Suddenly a beep sound loudly heard.

"What's that?"
Both of them look towards Batman.

"It means a crime or some high level security or life threat is out their in Gotham."

Batman clicks on the keyboard and turns on the voice command.
He speaks as the Batcomputer asks for the command.

"Show me the footage."

The footage showed General Eiling, Grodd along with imprisoned Wonder Woman in the streets.
Green Lantern Hal and Shazam clearing the people.

"They are here?"
Flash gets tensed.

"These are not only ones."
Batman speaks and directs them towards the footage.

There was a large army of superheroes and supervillains standing, moving, clearing the area.

"The time has come Batman, I know you must have known we are here so come forward and surrender and we will ease out your punishment."
General Eiling speaks looking in all directions.

Batman thinks for a moment.
Batman switches off the footage.

"Lets go."
Aquaman gets pumped up.

"Take this before that."
Batman hands over a small chip.

"What's this?"

"It's a chip when attached to your suit or armor makes it bearable to handle three blows each equivalent to that of Superman when he does not hold back. I have given to all those whom we had sent letter in it. And this one is for Diana."

"Are you sure? It will handle?"
Aquaman asks.

"Yes it can till a certain extent, but you should also take care of yourself. I have attached to my costume and smaller version of chip to my armour also"
Batman replies.

"Wait. Armor? What does that mean? No one we know has armour of such type except Arthur and Diana since they are king and princess."
Flash looks in a puzzled manner towards Batman.

Batman looks at the two of them and smiles.

Justice League: War For The Union [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now