40: Cupid is Always Right

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Chapter 40

"Alex, what did you do?" Lily asked. I peaked out the passenger car window from my phone. Everyone was laughing, taking pictures, reading and stealing the stuff that Dylan, Logan and I stole from Macy and Carrie's houses. "I didn't do this. Remember, hospital." I said. Logan... I got to thank him for that and then why he left me at the hospital.

Lauren got out of the car and ran into Josh with a big hug outside. Lily and I giggled, "Too excited to see your boyfriend?" Lily said.
"Nope!" Lauren made the 'p' come out.
Josh blushed a little.

I saw Dylan walking towards me, "Like what Logan did? It's great to see you all excited for school to be over." I rolled my eyes, "I'm very excited for school year to be over. Speaking of Logan, where is he?"
"He didn't tell you? Logan is moving to Europe with his parents. He did have a choice to stay here with his aunt, but he chose to move to Europe with Evan." Why would he go to Europe instead of staying here?
"W-why? Where is he now?" I stuttered on my words. That usually happens when I'm worried which is very rare.
"He should be getting to the airport right now. His flight leaves at 8:30." Dylan said staring at his new silver Fossil watch.

I ran to Lily, "Lily, drive me to the airport. Please? I can't really explain right now, it's an emergency!" For some reason I'm panicking. Why? A force is making me worry and it's called love....#Cheesy: I'm being cheesy like in romantic movies - great.
𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
My parents put our suitcases and luggages onto the conveyor belt as I grabbed our tickets. Evan had a giant frown plastered on his face. He was too sad to leave his famous friend, Alex, and her younger brother, Nathan, who was actually becoming one of his best friends to hang out with. "Cheer up bro, we're going to Europe!" I nudged his shoulder.
"So? You really think this is great for us, especially you? You're hurting yourself again just like when Carrie moved away. I know you miss Alex and right now, you're making yourself heartbroken," When did he learn so much about love and being heartbroken? He speaks the truth though, "Moving to Europe means meeting new people and making new friends. You're losing Dylan the goofball and your football team. And this is all whose fault? Not to point any fingers, but it's you." He turned around and jogged to mom and dad. I thought about his wise advice/ words...what is he? Yoda from Star Wars except he's the master of love-- wait.... That's basically Cupid.

What is he, Cupid?

We sat on the blue plastic chairs and waited for the plane to arrive in a little less than 20 minutes.
𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
"C'mon, damn you traffic! We are literally five minutes from the fucking airport. It's right in front of us and there's traffic. I could," I got an idea as I was saying it slowly in a lower tone, "walk there." I opened the door. Lily started to yell at me, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Getting back Logan!" I screamed as I ran to the airport.
"Okay, text me how it goes! I'll try to get in the airport, but keep me updated." She replied with a smile.

I walked into the crowded building. Everyone was in my way, this is going to be harder than I thought. I ran out of breath, but I kept pushing myself. I jogged to the women giving out airplane tickets behind her desk, "Excuse me? Did the Hayes family check in for their 8:30 flight already? If so, where did they go?"
"I'm sorry, but the 8:30 flight left already."
What? Are you serious?! A tear rolled down my face as I walked to the stupid blue chairs nearby. I looked at my phone to check the time; 9:15. Damn it.
𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
I saw Evan's sad eyes that I remember seeing every day until he met Alex. She turned my world upside down and she got me out of my small depression from being alone since my parents left us as well as Carrie (when I thought she was the one). Alex puts a smile on everyone and she doesn't even need to try.

"9:45 flight is departing in a few minutes," My dad said. We all got up and headed towards the airplane we are boarding.

This is all a big mistake...
𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
I opened my tears eyes and saw a familiar teen boy with his famous leather jacket, "Logan?" I got up and ran to the boy. He turned around. Our eyes locked. "Logan?" I mumbled.
𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
Before I said anything about regretting this trip to dad, he pointed behind me. I turned around and saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes that belonged to the most awesome girl. Alex.
"Logan?" She mumbled. Alex hugged me tightly as I wrapped arms around her. "Goodbye, Logan. I love you." She went on her tip-toes and kissed my lips tenderly. I cupped my hands around her cheeks (on her face, lol), "I love you, Alex," I kissed her harder, more passionate,"I'm not leaving you."
𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
"I'm not leaving you." Wait, does that mean...

"You're not leaving to Europe?" I asked. Logan turned to his parents and they waved goodbye. Evan ran up to me and hugged my torso tightly saying, "See, Logan, Cupid is always right!"
I chuckled, "What now?" Did I just ruin a perfectly good dramatic scene? I most likely did.

"Well, we could grab our bags, drive to my aunt's house and then finally live with the love of my life." Logan smirked at me. What about college?
"H-h-hold the phone! If that love is me, what about college? We're going to be separated anyways. You're going to get a new girlfriend, find a new wife and I'm going to have a family of my own. It all start after the summer is over."
"Then we will live our life until our summer is up." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him. Evan put his arm around my waist and we walked out of the airplane station.


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