24: I'm in Love?

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Chapter 24

I felt some weight on my waist as I turned to face Alec in bed. Why do boys like sleeping with no shirt on? "Good morning cupcake." He mumbled. "Mornin' to you too," I pecked his lips before getting up. It's 12 and holy shit I forgot to pick up Nathan from his slumber party! I rushed to put my shoes on and switched out of his basketball shorts back to my uncomfortable jeans. "Nice Hello Kitty underwear," Alec said sitting on his bed. I rolled my eyes, "Thanks. I need to go. I forgot to pick up Nathan from his sleepover at 8." I kissed his cheek and left.
"Is that Logan?" Nathan pointed to the boy putting his shirt on running out the door. It was, what was he up to? Never Mind, I know the answer. Why did I ask? I pulled over to him and rolled the window down, "Do you need a ride?" He nodded, "Thanks, just to clarify you have a lot of hickeys covering your collar bone and neck." I gasped and looked in the side mirror. I did. There were red and black circles lining up my neck and across my collar. I moaned, "Ugh."
"What's a hickey?" Nathan asked from the backseat. I looked at Logan's smirk, "Er... None of your beeswax Nathan."

Logan ended up just picking up Evan at home and we headed to a public inside soccer stadium that my aunt owns. My cousin is a really good soccer player and he taught me how play there when I was four at the fields.

"Who gave you the hickeys on your collar bone and neck?" Evan asked as he strapped his seatbelt on. Oh right, I forgot he lived with a brother who brought a girl home every night and he knew what virgin means.
"Was it Logan?"

I chuckled and started to turn bright red, "First of all no and second I have a boyfriend. Third, none of your business, you're only ten."
"But I live with a douche head over here."

"I think it's time to shut your goddamn mouth young man." Logan interrupted.

We walked on the large field inside the stadium. It was like the ones on tv. I looked in the distance at the bleachers. There were three tall attractive muscular men. Phillip, Jackson and Andy. Why are they here? They don't even play soccer. Well, not like we're going to play soccer the whole time here, but still. Phillip waved to me and I stuck the middle finger at him.

"Alex stuck up the middle finger!" Nathan yelled.

I saw Phillip and his two buddies walk over towards us. "Hey Alex." He put his warm hand on my shoulder and stared at the multiple hickeys. I shook his hand off. Phillip gave Logan an icy glare and shoved him in the shoulder.

Nathan and Evan raced each other from the goal to the half court line. Nathan won because he does track, but Evan was quite quick too.

Logan and I were chasing each other trying to get the soccer ball. Later, Evan and Nathan joined in. Logan promised he would teach me how to do the rainbow if I win a football game with him (American football). I actually did win one---out of three. But Logan taught me anyways.
𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
"Okay, so you need to get the ball between your legs and roll it up against the inside part of your leg to the back," (I know that sound weird). I watched Alex swiftly move the ball up, "Then kick it with all your might from your toes." She did as told, but the ball kicked backwards in the air at my face.

"Oops, sorry."

I chuckled,"It's alright." She blushed slightly and looked up at me. There was barely any space between us somehow. I leaned in and planted my lips on her soft gentle lips. It felt amazing.

Our mouths moved in rhythm. We wrapped our arms around each other. This kiss felt more magical than any other.

"Get a room!" Evan yelled. Nathan started to laugh a little. Alex rolled her eyes and attempted another rainbow. She succeeded!

"Wow, I did it!"

"Thanks to an amazing sexy coach of yours." I smirked at her and winked.
"Is your eye okay?" She teased.

Why did the kiss feel so amazing? Oh right-- because I have fallen in love with someone who's taken.


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