21: Back to School

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Chapter 21

𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
Back to school and I started the day off by facing my brother over the last piece of bacon. We settle this problem by whoever finishes first. I won. My mom and dad were home and they woke me up so that I won't be late for school. They don't know that I always come late.

I had to ride the stupid public bus to school since my motorcycle doesn't work in the snow. I hate using public transportation because everyone is constantly staring at me and it get uncomfortable, #awkward.
I sat in my homeroom and watched the cute girls in the classroom I never knew existed. Wow...

The intercom went on, "Hello everyone. I've got news. Principal Frank has girl's underwear in his drawer! What has he been doing?" It was Alex.

"Aflac!" Another girl squeaked into the mic--Lily.

Everyone started laughing and then the bell rang. Class started to begin. The phones in the plastic box kept on the teacher's desk buzzed. Probably Alex's Facebook update: She posted a picture of the the principal's drawer that stored the green lacy underwear.
𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
I escaped from the principal office just in time for class. Lily and I had bought a new pair of underwear from target and just stuffed it in his drawer.
"Alex? Wake up!" I looked up at Lauren. I had fallen asleep during class dreaming about me becoming a professional soccer player and winning the national World Cup. I was on national tv with Logan.
Did I just say "with Logan?" Oh no, he's getting in my dreams. GET OUT LOGAN!

I got up from my desk and saw everyone has left, "Are we late for next class?"

"Almost, c'mon let's go!"

We ran to our different classes. On my way to lab, Philip bumped into me. "Hey watch it dip shit. I'm late thanks to you!" I yelled. Why am I so furious at him for walking into me? Because he's my ex and we broke up from his doing. He cheated on me. Philip is the captain of the basketball team. He had sex with Tiffany, not once, but multiple times. One day, I asked, "Do you love me anymore?" Philip didn't reply and dumped me over Tiffany. Then, he soon realized that she was falling in love with Logan. That's one reason I can't fall in love with Logan. For Alec, he actually believes in love and would never cheat. I trust him.

"I said I was sorry and I really am, okay? Can't you just let it go?" I glared at him, 'let it go' is my thing.

"Well, I actually can't let it go because this isn't some stupid incident that can be forgotten. You broke my heart and I am still healing from what you did. Great, now I'm late for class. Ugh, great going dumbass!" I walked into lab and everyone stared at me.

"You're late again Ms. Henderson. Third time you're late, you're going to the principal's." Mr. Nelson warned. I sat next to Alec in the back. He gave me a small kiss on the cheek and smiled at me. So nice.


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