37: Who's Logan?

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Chapter 37

𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
I walked outside of my house and saw Nathan's friends coming out of their house next door. They stared at me and started whispering to each other. I waved to them waiting for a wave back like always. Instead the kids started to run away. What's wrong with me? Strange.

Lily pulled up in the driveway. She came out of the car holding her phone screen out to me, "Look at what Logan posted." I watched his new Facebook video.

"That son of a bitch!" I mumbled, "I'm staying home today. Thank you very much. I have a revenge prank to plan." I walked back into the house and closed the door on Lily. A couple of tears came out.

My mom never really wanted me which was true in the video. They know that my dad had died because of her. Logan embarrassed me in front of millions of people. He exposed my weakness in front of everybody! All of my fans are going to turn away because they think I'm doing all this for money. Nathan is probably going to be picked on for having a slutty sister and now I know Logan definitely doesn't like me. I'm not going to prank him. I just need to forget about him: Who's Logan?
Ring Ring Ring

I picked up my phone next to me and recognized the number: Logan. Who's Logan? I repeated in my head. I sighed and didn't pick it up.

It kept ringing repeatedly annoying the shit out of me. I slid the call icon on the screen, "Hello? Who is this?"
"Alex, stop acting like you don't know who I am. I never recorded that video, someone hacked my account. It was probably those damn bitches and yes, I'm including Carrie." Carrie, his girlfriend? They were madly in love...why would she do that? Oh I know- because he's a dick.
"I don't know who the fuck you are and I don't care," I hung up.
Nathan came home with a bruise on his leg and a black eye.
"I'm sorry Nathan," I started,"I didn't know that video was going to be posted."
"All of my friends turned away from me because of, not you, Logan. I hate him! That little piece of shit."
"Whoa, Nathan, language! And I know." I sighed and wrapped my arm around Nathan on the couch.

"Do you want to play soccer with me at the stadium?" I asked.
"Sure, I got no homework. I need to grab my cleats." He got up to retrieve his cleats in his room upstairs.

Ding Dong

I jumped off the couch and looked through the peep-hole. Lily.
"Hey Lily, what's up?" I let her in.
"Bad, everyone is beating up Logan! I'm not kidding, c'mon!"
"Nathan, we'll go later! Stay in the house and keep everything locked. Don't answer the phone. I'll be back."
"Okay!" I heard him yell from his room.

Lily drove me and Lauren to the school football field. There was a big sea of teens chanting random harsh curse words. I pushed through and saw Dylan getting beat up by Logan.
"Hey, Logan, look it's your girlfriend to drag you away," someone shouted. I felt a hard shove on my back making me fly into the center of the circle where the fight is taking place. The two boys stopped.
People started to call me names and Logan as well. Carrie came to the front of the crowd and starts to laugh at me, "Alex, you're so stupid. You are never going to be as perfect as me." Not like I want to be.
The anger built up in my muscles and everyone went silent. I noticed what I was doing: I was on top of Carrie pulling on her hair, "Shut the fuck up you slutty bitch! Your nothing but a dirty whore who sits on a throne of lies!" Lily and Lauren dragged me off of her. She was crying on the floor yelling, "That retard attacked me! Someone, help." Couple of kids helped her up while I was following my friends out of the crowd.

"Guys, we need to help Dylan." I said. I ran back in the center and saw Dylan on the floor passed out. I knelt down next to him and checked for a pulse, obviously he's alive. I snatched someone's water in the crowd that was breaking up to pour on Dylan's face. Once it hit him, he sprung up immediately.
"Logan, you're so- Alex? What's happening?" We both got up from the grass.

"I came to save you. Want me, well Lily, to drive you to your house?" I offered.
"I can't face my parents like this. Can I come over yours?"

I walked over to Lily and Lauren who were waiting by the car. In the corner of my eyes I saw Logan bruised up on his motorcycle glaring at me.
"Thanks for helping me." Dylan said as he walked out of the bathroom in his towel only. Gross!
"Ew, get some clothes Dylan." I covered my hand next to my eyes to block him out of my sight. He grabbed his clothes and went into the guest room.

"Nathan, sorry we couldn't go to the stadium today, but tomorrow we can go." I said. Nathan sighed, "It's okay, but promise tomorrow after school?" I nodded.

Nathan closed his door to his room to play on his xbox. Dylan came out with his wet sloppy blonde hair. "You look so beautiful tonight." Did something happen to him? He changed all of a sudden in three minutes! Did he get hit with a cocoanut?
He walked closer into my room and leaned over me on my bed. His arms trapped me on either side. Dylan started laughing, "Got ya! Your face is so red." I kicked him in the shin, "Wow, ha ha, so funny."

Knock Knock

I looked over to my window and Logan was glaring at Dylan waiting impatiently for my to open it.
"Why is this dumbass here?" Logan grumbled.
"Because he's our friend and he needed help. Plus, why are you here?" I crossed my arms over my chest in anger.
"Because I am your friend and I never made that video. It was Carrie and all those other girls just to ruin your life and mine." That actually sounds actuate.
"Do have any evidence?" Dylan butted in.

I sat down on my bed with Dylan waiting for a response. "No, but I know because I never made it. Carrie and I broke up and she knew that I never really liked her."
"But then why would she target me?"
He smirked, "Jealousy." Carrie, jealous of me? Eh, I believe that.
"Why jealous of me?" Because I'm freakin awesome and a goddess!
"I don't know." That wasn't the correct response.
"Can you leave? I really don't want to see you here right now." I ended the conversation.

My door opened to see Nathan standing there staring at me, "Logan didn't record the video actually. I remember playing hooky with Evan. We were at his house playing football outside. He was definitely gone when the video was recorded." Nathan was playing hooky?! Wow, Evan really changed him.
"Then how was the video taken place in the house when everyone was at school? And really, hooky? You should know better!" I looked at him angrily.
"You're lucky I did though." True.
Dylan glanced at Logan standing at the window and then back at me, "Well, I didn't see Macy at school. And Carrie doesn't go to this school."
"If your insisting they broke into my house, how? Unless those dimwits-" Logan was interrupted by Nathan, "Excuse me, I'm standing right here!" I chuckled.
Logan continued, "Unless you two left the door unlocked or something. Or they found the-- Carrie must've found the extra key under the plant near the front door. Recorded the video with Macy while the kids were playing the whole day." This seems too crazy, but so is Macy and Carrie.

We all stood in silence trying to sort everything in our heads. "I'm sorry man for starting the fight." Dylan got up and they did their weird man hug thing, lol.
"I'm going back on Xbox." Nathan exited the room and put his headphones back on.

"I'm sorry as well for not believing you, Logan." I breathed out quickly. I don't really say sorry, especially to a douche like him. Logan grinned at me and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "I don't blame you for dissing me. I wouldn't believe myself if I were you as well." We both laughed.
"Who wants to get revenge on those bitches?" I smiled evilly at the two boys.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Dylan said excitedly.


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