29: So Much For a Great a Plan

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Chapter 29

𖠋Logan Hayes𖠋
It's been a week away from Alex. It was pretty hard trying not to be a fucking pussy in front of everyone in school with her in my head. I spotted Alex at her locker all happy full of joy just like she was before she met me. Maybe staying away from her was a smart idea.

"Hey babe," Macy came over to me. She kissed my lips, but I pushed her away.
"Go fuck yourself, Lacy." I walked away from her.
"Macy!" She yelled. I hate that girl so much just as much as Tiffany.

I went over to Marie and her friends at their cafeteria table. I saw Alex and Lily talking to Kody nearby. I tensed up a bit. Marie grabbed my arm and dragged me to the football field. I pinned her against the wall and started to kiss her collar bone, up. At the corner of my eye I glanced at Alex and Lily running towards the boy's locker room. Right after Alex entered, the boys from gym class came over and tormented Lily with their sexual idiotic jokes. Then they went into the locker room. Uh oh. Wait, why am I so worried about Alex? She told me to stay away and I will. But it's too hard.
"Babe, stop! You're making a giant hickey!" Marie moaned. I looked up at her, "I'm sorry, I need to go."

I walked onto the bleachers where Christina was. I sat next to her and saw the giant lion mascot costume over Alec's shoulder moving. Is Alex in that? They probably think Kody's in there! I just kept watching. They put her down and started beating her up. I really wanted to help, but she wanted me to keep my space. I guess I will.
"Logan?" I turned to Christina. She leaned in and kissed me. "I love you and I want you to be my boyfriend. Alec is such a dick." I need to get my head off of Alex. I put my hand on her cheek and kept kissing her.

So much for great plan...


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