7: Cleaning Up After Pigs

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Chapter 7

𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
"Let's go Alex." Lily grabbed my forearm and we ran out of the school like ninjas.

"Wait, Lily, I have to clean up after this crappy party." I stopped her in front of the car.

Lily shrugged, "We'll wait in the- uh oh. There's Frank."

I turned around and saw him coming my way down the steps to the school. I ran away as Lily started the car to drive away. I headed to the outside basketball court which is close to the janitor closet.

"Ow, shit," I looked up after bumping into a broad figure in front of me. It was Mr. Douche -- in a nurse's outfit? "Sorry, just getting chased by the devil. Got to move."

"Wait, the party is dismissing. We have to clean up." He gripped onto my arm.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm obviously coming. Just need to leave for- um-- a couple of minutes."

"Nope, we're cleaning up now. I'm not coming home at 12 o'clock in the morning because I have a stupid party after this one."

"Fine." I sighed heavily. At Least I lost Frank.

We walked into the gym and there were only 5 small groups of people left. Joe was sweeping up the confetti. I feel bad for him. These stupid teenagers are so messy!

I started throwing out all the paper cups that were on the floor,"Hey, what's your name? Sorry, I was too busy running away the last couple of times I met with you."

He sighed as he started tearing the black plastic table covers off the snack table, "Logan."

"Ah, Logan Hayes the Quarterback. Also the player, and don't forget the douche bag who steals girl's bras."

We both chuckled. I saw his frown curl into a sexy smirk.

"Why do you keep calling me a douche? I'm really not. I'm just really awesome and smoking handsome."

"See, right there. You're one of those people who have such big self-esteem - Egoist." I hold out my hand to him.

He rolled his eyes and placed his nurse hat on the bleachers. Logan went to Joe and helped fold up the metal tables. I just kept throwing all the scrap on the floor into the garbage cans. This is like cleaning up after pigs, I thought to myself as I pick up a fake, black, furry tarantula from the ground. While Logan was distributed talking to Joe, I put it on his shoulder motioning to Joe to be quiet.

I pretended to be worried, trying not to burst out laughing,"Logan, don't move, but there's a giant tarantula on your left shoulder."

"Where'd the spider even come from?" He turned his head slowly while I covered my smile. Logan actually jumped and the fake tarantula fell on its back onto the floor.

"Ha! Got ya. Wow, your face!" I burst out laughing.

Logan makes an evil smirk at me and picks up the tarantula next to his foot.

"Don't you dare- I have punch!" I held the bowl of red punch that was displayed on the table. He threw it at my face and I dropped the bowl on my feet. Now my feet are soaked in red sticky liquid. "You douche bag! My poor babies!" I took off my black Jordans and threw them at his face. Score! That's what you get.

He stood there with a giant grin, "You're dead now!" Logan started running at me until I started sprinting outside in the messy hallways. I jumped up and pulled down the paper Happy Halloween banner to the floor with all my might. He got wrapped up in the banner.

"Ms. Henderson, detention Monday and Tuesday in my office. Now throw away the banner and all the decorations in the supplies closet." Principal Frank walked away into the guidance counselor office. Where'd he come from?

I rolled my eyes and went back to where Logan was. He gathered the paper banner and crumbled it up in a ball. I grabbed the paper ball from his hands as I walked back to the messy gym. I threw the giant ball into the trash and picked up my sticky black, now brownish, Jordans.

"So, what else do you do besides pranks?" Logan asked.

"Soccer. What about you other than football and having affairs, hmmmm?" I raised my eyebrow and smirked at him.

"I play on the basketball court or the bar with my friends." He just shrugged.

"Have you ever actually dated a girl?"

"What's with all the questions? That's all I get, questions, questions, and questions." He looked at me angrily.

I rolled my eyes, "Gosh, calm your tits man. Questions help us know more about each other, duh. Besides, you asked first."

He didn't say anything since he knew I was clearly right.

We both sighed. To pass time, we forced each other to ask more questions. It wasn't such a bad night after all.

"What's your next prank on Monday?" Logan asked.

"You'll see Mr. Player." I winked at him playfully.

As I began to clean up the halls, I wonder: Why did he get so snippy when I asked him about having a girlfriend? He's clearly hiding something.


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