5: Holy Shiitake Mushrooms

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Chapter 5

𖠇Alex Henderson𖠇
I couldn't sleep after what I just saw: Mr. Player/ douche bag/ Quarterback took my fucking unicorns and rainbows bra. I just bought it for $78. It's rare. I got up from my bed in the dark. I'm going to Starbucks even though it's only 3 AM. This reminds me of the book from Wattpad, The Bad Boy Stole My Bra by Cherry_Cola_x. It's actually a really good book except I don't know who the hell that douche is and I will never like him. Ever.

I put on my Pink gray sweatshirt over my plain black v-neck shirt. Slipped on some skinny jeans, put on my black Jordans and off to Starbucks. My mom's friend is the owner there and she gave my mom the key to the store so that we can come in at any time. Don't worry, we always pay. She trusts us.
I sipped on my coffee outside near my car and read comments on my media channels.

"Hey, are you Prankster Alex?" I looked up and saw a cute couple standing in front of me outside of Starbucks. Why are they taking a walk at three?

I nod, "The one and only. Hi."

"Hi, my name is Ally and this is my boyfriend, Eddy. Can I get a picture with you?" The girl motioned to her phone.

"Of course!"

She held up her iPhone and saw it was the Instagram camera with the blue button. I stuck my tongue out with my eyes crossed. We all laughed.

"What's your Instagram?" I asked.

"Ally4Ever." I pulled out my phone and pressed the follow button. The couple was shocked I was following them. What? I'm being nice.

"That's so nice of you. Thank you for following. Well, my boyfriend and I need to go head to our hotel for vacation, bye. You're awesome."

I smiled at them as they left.

Okay, it's only 4 AM, now what? I went into my car. I drove back to my house to grab my soccer stuff. Since I live right near a big soccer field, I'll just go practice there and I guess make some friends, meet some fans.
Lily and Lauren looked at me. "You look terrible."

"Yeah because I woke up at 3, went to Starbucks, practiced on the fields nearby, played some games with my fans and finally took a shower half hour ago," We stopped at the school and saw my bra in Mr. Player's hands, "Holy shiitake mushrooms," I mumbled.

I stomped out of the car and went right up to him. I shoved him forward into the school's fountain. Oh look, he got a new fade haircut, fuck that. He made a giant splash.

"You bitch, what the hell?" He yelled.

"You're the bitch. What the hell? You stole my expensive bra," Everyone started staring and laughing, "And now it's soaked due to you breaking into my window. You are such a perv."

A shoulder tapped me. I turned around and saw Principal Frank. I rolled my eyes and stomped away with him. "Ms. Henderson and Mr. Hayes, can I see you two in my new office?"

I snorted loudly, "Your welcome. That was kinda boring office before." I snatched my bra back from Hayes and stuffed it in my backpack. Everyone was watching us and started spreading rumors already, ugh.

We entered the Guidance Counsel's office, "What was all of that for?" Principal Frank sat behind the desk in a new black leather chair.

I couldn't stop smiling from what I did to his original office, "Well, it was a cold night. At exactly 2 AM in the morning, I was sleeping peacefully. Then I just see this douche bag in my room holding my new bra. It was freaking $78 and very rare." I saw the douche started smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Well actually, Alex wrote on my forehead at a party saying 'I'm a Douche.'" He argued.

I shot him a deadly glare,"Doesn't mean to get revenge on me. I had no clue who you were and it was a stupid dare. And it's called letting it go," then I sang, "Let it Go, Let it Go. Let the damn accident go."

"Well, you two can sort this problem when you are cleaning up the mess from the Halloween party tonight. There, all solved." We rolled our eyes at the principal and left.


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